Adele Quested

I won't lie, I've had moments where I though "I might be up for this, if I could reliably keep it on the down-low". Mostly when it's a guy who's known for being very indiscriminate. Guess I can be rather indiscriminate myself; not sure that's something I'd like to be known for though. That's silly of course - just

Seriously. He looks like a gym-rat Gollum to me now, but baby Vlad was pretty cute. There something rather dreamily melancholy about those heavy-lidded eyes.

Glad you said that.

I'm afraid you've already missed the boat on being immortalized in a Taylor Swift "you think you're all that but you're not" songs - she seems to have left that phase behind for now. The current marketing focus seems to be less on boyfriends but on "ain't nobody fresher than my mother-fucking clique".

Young Nixon was also pretty fine.

Sad to admit it, but those are pretty good points.

He certainly isn't to me, and I wouldn't be so sure he's to the show's director, not that I ever cared much for authorial intent.

She probably wouldn't have married the mailroom boy as fast. But she probably wouldn't have married Don either if she hadn't like him as a person. Money might have been a welcome side-benefit that sped up the pace of commitment, but there's no reason to conclude it was the only, or even the decisive factor for Megan.

Don has had ample opportunities with the kind of women you might consider more suitable to his station and the truth is, there's a diminishing return to most anything. He's already proven that he can "get" the most conventionally desireable women if he sets his mind to it, so why not try playing the knight in shining

Not gonna lie, I ship it too, but I wouldn't necessarily get my hopes up based on that episode. Sad to say, but if he were with Peggy, he would probably have cheated as well in that particular situation.

I've been fairly lucky with therapists so far and found most sessions quite beneficial to a point. (It may help to have modest expectations. In the end, you will always have to figure out things for yourself, but it can be useful to get some validation when you're on a promising track and the occasional reality check

And she's feeling appropriately horrible about it. Don hasn't done that yet, but I wouldn't put it past him, in compareable circumstances. He's certainly had some fantasies in that regard, remember his suggestion to Rachel Menkens? Do you think his kids with Betty featured in that little flight of fancy?

Could be. Or not, I don't think the show features enough of Henry to allow for any particularly strong conclusions. He seemed pretty decent when Betty went through a fat phase, so I think it's a bit unfair to make his commitment to her all about her decorative function.

You know, Don doesn't actually own Betty, or his kids for the matter. At this point, Henry has certainly a greater influence on the boys than Don. He's done most of the work connected to raising them, not too badly, from the glimpses we've seen, so I don't see anything particularly "artifical" about his family at all.

Nah, megan and don are done. She would have to change a lot too, for that to make sense, and I don't see much of a point to it for her.

I hardly ever listen to music; I mostly just hear it as a background noise when someone else puts it on. This is the first album that I felt a strong urge to listen to from start to finish, and repeatedly. Actually kinda made me resolve to pay more attention to music in general.

I assume there's going to be some streamlining of subplots - cutting those that require too many characters not yet sufficiently established, replacing them with new ones creatively recycling already established characters - but I'd be surprised if they deviated in any way that changes the endgame.

Of all the ways people sell their integrity sleeping with someone actually seems like one of the less problematic ones to me.

Absolutely, I did not want to imply that Peggy has no experience with that kind of thing at all. But she does get more respite from it than Joan, and that does make it easier to cope.

My memory is hazy, but aren't parts of Pete's shares paid by Don? It was never spelt out directly, but I think it's fair to speculate that Don's interest in Pete keeping mum about the identity theft might have been a factor in that generosity…..