Adele Quested

Dom kinda addresses the problem when he asks Lynn whether he's offended by Patrick's paranoia. So the show seems to have some awareness about the problematic nature of Patrick's attitude. But I can see why someone might think that's too perfunctory, especially since Lynn doesn't really want to talk about this at this

Doris is everything I aspire to be, but I don't think I could ever be that blunt. Mostly, because I think I wouldn't get that mixture right as you described it, and just come across as judgmental.

Seconding the "dance like nobody's watching" recommendation. I have no sense of rhythmen and barely existent motor skills and had at three seperate occasions guys approach me merely to inform me what a shitty dancer I am. It's still totally worth it. Granted, I mostly avoid dancing with other people (I can deal with

My brother made me a mixtape once for my birthday that had "Happy Birthday Lisa" on it. It makes me very sentimental.


I thought it was pretty clear that she was into guys. Wasn't there even some indication that she and Dom had been together for a while, before Dom came out?

Oh, Kevin's plenty thirsty, no doubt (I didn't even find that drive so out of character; some people will go to great lengths when in a conquering mood - the challenges and efforts invovled just add to the appeal), but I suspect he's in it for the thrill, not so much for Patrick himself. Very unwise to take that kind

I think in terms of mere prettiness it would be hard to choose between them. But all those other things you've mentionnend would make it pretty easy for me…


I feel you, because I'm also profoundly vindictive. But I usually lack the criminal energy to do anything about it. Or maybe my standards for a well-executed revenge plot are just too high (the punishment has to fit the crime, there has to be some level of poetic justice, my investment must not be too obvious, etc.).

Closure is over-rated. Hang in there, please.

Or Karl, Laura Linney's hot coworker in Love Actually.

I have a theory that the nightmarish accent might be a very deliberate aesthetic choice and here’s where the accent might pay off: to slip in a little My Fair Lady subplot, to create a more drastic contrast when Victor and Caliban teach the repurposed Brona to speak like a Shakespear actor, so when Ethan meets her

To me guilty pleasure means "I like this because it does some things very well, but I also realize that it does other things very badly and that most people's mileage may vary with regard to the trade-offs involved." (Eg. I watched American Horror Story for the stylish outfits and great hats, but I suspect these

"They fuck you up your mom and dad.
They may not mean to but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
and add some extra, just for you."

I wonder if I will find time to do anything but watch TV in April.

This video might be the first thing I've ever seen of him that impressed me, but I actually haven't seen all that much of him before, so that's not saying much. Anyways, annoying public persona (he seems messed up and coping badly) doesn't preculde talent. I really like his performance here. Maybe it's just a fluke.

You know, it's possible that it's just the halo-effect of this particular thing hitting some particular buttons of mine clouding my judgment, so grain of salt, etc.

I have some fondness for it. The odd thing is that I can't watch something like Bruce Almighty or Evan Almighty for instance, because there's apparently still enough residual Catholicism left in me to find those blasphemous (also because the trailers were deeply unfunny, so why not save my delicate sensibilities?).

There's a saying "How you judge other people says more about you than them".