Adele Quested

My thoughts exactly.

"…having her shoot a dying deer when Abel hesitates isn’t the same thing as giving her depth." - Kinda worked for Lady Macbeth.

Get a divorce, be single? It's not like you are actually obligated to be paired up.

We need to reintroduce this concept of noble renunciation and make it more about procreation rather than sex in general.

Patience. May karma repay you in 2015. Maybe it's just holding out for the perfect opportunity.

Wish you a better 2015. Can you afford therapy?

@abradolphlincler:disqus Exactly. Repeating myself, but I think it bears repeating: Love is not a meritocracy. Most people are not looking for the objectively best person out there (which would be very silly anyway, as I don't think there is such a thing), but for someone who's damaged in a compatible manner. Don't

Some people just don't make for good parents (I strongly suspect I'm one of them; too aloof on occasion), and I obviously don't think that's a judgment on their/our overall merits. There's a lot of other useful things you can be. (eg. I think I'm a solid teacher - or at least can be, if I keep working at it - and

Fun fact: the tumblr term for a short guy who could get it is "pocket prince".

He just seems like the most boring kind of person - a garden variety sociopath. I know there's quite a bit of controversy about this notion of the banality of evil, but in cases like this, it just seems to fit.

-ish. There are still horse-drawn carriages, after all, although it's hardly a relevant mode of transport for the average person in most situations. I think even print will survive (through our lifetime, at least), and if only as some quaint relic of time's past. Don't underestimate people's weakness to nostalgia.

I don't think Facebook will go away entirely, just like e-mail won't go away entirely any time soon. But it's certainly no longer the belle of the ball. That said, lots of people I know are all about WhatsApp now, which is however owned by Facebook anyway. So maybe Facebook will be the new Facebook after all?

And let's not even consider that this might be just a temporary issue in the marriage which could be solved with nothing but patience. Maybe his wife has been ill, maybe she's recovering from a surgery, maybe she's going through a period of depression. Do we even ask? Fuck no, this man is not getting laid; what else

This too shall pass. I promise.

I like to put some thought into my gifts, and I sometimes give spontaneous ones when the inspiration strikes me, which tend to be well received - but with those official occasions I tend to screw up the time-management; I'm waiting too long for a really good idea, and then there's only one day left for shopping and I

See, I don't think the song's supposed to be about roofies, but I still resent the "She says no but she really means yes, so let's wear her down until she relents"-sentiment. Also it's pretty much based on the premise that she couldn't say yes enthusiastically anway, for fear of coming across like a floozie otherwise.

Talking as a fellow armchair participant, I can definitely relate.

I agree that it's profoundly silly to pin your gender-identity (or non-identity) on such markers, but whenever I end up in such a conversation, I like to assume that people are just not expressing themselves well (we tend to have our reasons for what we do, but we are not always good at naming them accurately), and

Please elaborate.

It's not the battle I would pick, but you know what's another battle I won't pick? - Trying to tell other people what battles to pick.