Adele Quested

I really liked the bait-and-switch they did with Ethan, who seemed so much like the designated protagonist from merely reading the synopsis (the newcomer! the down-to-earth redblooded guy's guy - surely he's supposed to be our audience surrogate?) and would have bored me quite a bit in that role. Relegating him to the

The problem with Caliban is that it's easy enough to see how he can terrorize Frankenstein, but let's be real here - Vanessa could probably shut him up with a furrowed eyebrow, no? She has an on-off affair with an actual demon; I just can't see her having all that much time for Mr. Emo-Incel-Nice-Guy Caliban here. So

Yeah, you're probably right about Paul - any knowledge about male clones must be fairly recent (after he went AWOL on Rachel, probably).

That was just her plundering Beth's biography for her cover story. She also said she was married (like Alison) and had a daughter (like Sarah). But I share your impression that there's not much reason to worry. Helena has guys like that for breakfast.

Like everyone else, I really hope the focus remains on the female clones (because Maslany is the better actress; because we're already emotionally invested in them and I would hate to see less of them; because it's nice to have a show which is so female-centred for a change). But I do think this development has some

Am I'm the only one who's worried about Scott now? He helped Sarah and Cosmia escape; I'm sure Dyad won't be too happy about that.

With you on Mrs. S. I'm shipping her with Paul though. His scenes with her were the first ones were he was actually something approaching interesting.

I was ready to barge in, all morally superior, tut-tuting all the people who apparently use these games primarily to torture their sims, but then I remembered that I totally get that "playing God"-impulse, because I have countless never-to-be-published novels rattling in my head, where I torment my characters with

Also upvoted for the idea of just eating long-lost twins, but for the record: I don't find anything wrong with filled-out David Krumholtz. Reminds me of a guy I knew in college I used to find reasonably cute.

Why would I care? Once again: the YesAllWomen-Hashtag was not supposed to impress men. It was meant for women. Quoting myself, because you apparently missed that paragraph before:

For what it's worth, I'm totally in favour of extending welfare benefits for single mothers to the extent that they would not rely on child support from the biological father (which often can't be relied upon anyway, because even in the current situation lots of baby daddies seem to find some way to effectively opt

If you want to demonstrate solidarity with _me_, yes, I do. As I said, have your little hashtag for all I care; just don't expect_me_to be impressed/mollified.

If you really want to demonstrate solidarity, write an angry letter to the bloody WaPo guy. You proudly proclaiming that you're one of the good ones doesn't help me much. Show, don't tell.

A friend of mine had a bad experience with a popular guy in our social circle. It wasn't rape, but it was a serious boundary violation he was completely unwilling to acknowledge, bad enough that she felt sick at the thought of having to face him again. She told me about it under promise of secrecy, because she felt it

Men may not be not idiots (at least not more so than women), but I do often feel that they don't quit grasp the ubiquity and full extent of sexist bullshit the average woman deals with on a regular basis, even if they might have some vague notion of the whole concept on an intellectual level. And I don't necessarily

Glad to know I seem to have gotten it somewhat right. It's always tricky to make educated guesses about ways of life from observation rather than personal experience. I'm always glad when more qualified people chime in to provide their perspective. Thanks for your feedback!

It's a balancing act. Of course allies are needed, but they can't be the top priority. Sometimes their consideration has to take a backseat to the cause. Allies who don't understand that are pretty useless in the first place, and often more trouble than they're worth.

To be fair, I've been somewhat conflating "open relationship" and polyamory as well (i admit that I find it easier to imagine negotiable tolerance of occasional affairs than a stable group marriage, so I'm really the wrong person to armchair philosophize about the finer details of such arrangements) and I'm not too

I think most people perfectly understand the psychological reasons behind that kneejerk-defensiveness. That's the thing about interesectionality …just like most of us are likely to be comparatively underprivileged on some axis, most of us are also going to be overprivileged on another. I'm white, but I follow quite a

I suspect you don't actually believe that anyway, but just for the record: It can be really, really hard to tell. I usually don't care much for the boyfriends of one of my best friends from college, but precisely the one I found most personable ended up the one with the anger management issues and the emotional