Adele Quested

Which has never stopped him before.

It's funny, because so far the whole series has been nothing but raging against the just-world fallacy, with no good deed going unpunished (although bad deeds admittely tend to go pretty punished too - punishment for everyone!), and yet I still haven't lost my expectation that Martin is going to serve up some sort of

Littlefinger's still got some tricks up his sleeve. I have no doubt that Sansa will defeat him in the end, but he's far from done yet.

Smart? Tyrion plays him like a fiddle. I think Aegon's Renly Come Again. Great packaging, mediocre content. Which is certainly a step up from Joffrey, and maybe even from Good King Bob, but not quite the perfect prince Varys tries to sell us. Which is my main reason for suspecting that Aegon will turn out a bit of a

Thanks! Your username is pretty sweet too - I wish I were better with puns.

Also, because she wasn't raised like that by her parents. But of course Sansa is a horrible person for having had a sheltered childhood up to a point. I like Missandei too, but that's fairly easy, because she doesn't get enough screen time to get on anyone's nerves. (It's also somewhat ironic how you accuse me of

Yeah, you haven't been watching/reading very closely. Sansa is a child when she falls for Joffrey's charms. Her love for and belief in the songs of romance and love she was raised with is not more naive or shallow than Bran's and Jon's ideas about chivalry and heroism (which is pretty naive and shallow, but on the

Ultimately, I hope she can be another Queen of Thorns. But she might have to go through a Littlefinger stage to survive long enough to get there.

So you mean, let's focus on the girls/women who are not acting too feminine? Because heaven knows, nothing worse than being "girly"…

I know, Missandei seems like the perfect target to impersonate for Arya, which makes a lot of people suspect that this is where Arya's storyline is headed.

I got the sense that the Martells have a certain passion for justice. They certainly have more sensible inheritance laws and I think someone like Arianne might be well suited to kick off some direly needed reforms in terms of gender equality in that regard….

I think Stannis might be a hot contender for 1000th Lord Commander as well, if he survives the War for Dawn and decides to face responsiblity for his complicity in the assassination of his brother. I wouldn't put it past him.

My dream-outcome:

In cooperation with Davos Seaworth and Septon Meribald, who might sneak in a House of Commons too? Yeah, this is approaching fan-fiction territory, but still….

I kinda love Dany (yes, still, even after the mess she made of Meereen), but I really don't see this ending with a Targaryan restoration.

I would expect the Faceless Men to be pro-Dany, actually. Sure, the Bravoosi haven't been the greatest Targ fans in the past, but I really think the anti-slavery connection should trump the anti-dragon resentiments. It all depends on whether the FM actually care about their foundational myth (which is pretty much all

The Others don't have to be pure evil to be the threat that unifies the remaining forces of humanity. Nature isn't evil either.

Dany, Tyrion and Jon are totally the three heads of the dragon; they will team up to defeat the ice-zombies, in the course of which at least one of them will heroically sacrifice themselves. But none of them will end up on the Throne. Dany walks away from it in her vision; Jon probably realizes that he belongs in the

I just feel that whole "reluctant hero"-thing doesn't work so well in real life.

I think there's reason for optimism - he already rejected Stannis' offer of Winterfell, remember? Of course there's this romantic notion that the person least keen on ruling is the one most fit to do it, but I don't share it. It certainly didn't work out with Ned Stark. I think that Jon Snow would have no taste for