Adele Quested

Ironic Anti-semitism.

That's it. I've seen the light and join the haters. This is taking disingenuity to the next level.

That would be awesome, thanks!


I get your general point, but I can't help feeling that crushing on Timothy Dalton doesn't say much about your placement on the Kinsey scale. I mean, who wouldn't?

Thanks, I didn't catch that. But Vanessa is speaking as Minna at this point, no? So "the two of you" wouldn't refer to Malcolm and his daughter after all.

He's only credited for 2 episodes, sadly.

I think the whole thing is on the verge of feeling a bit over-stuffed as it is; a "mystery of the week B-plot" would just worsen that effect in my eyes.

I loved their encounter with Frankenstein and Proteus on the docks and was already half-seriousy spinning off a fluffy coffeeshop-AU with lots of Brona/Ethan + Frankstein/Proteus double dates. That little scene did a lot more to the endear the character to me than any angsty flashbacks or monologues could. If you want

At least that might be the entity possessing her.

I found that very suspicious. Is he somehow involved with the murders and wanted to make sure the police is sufficiently clueless?

That's my take on it as well. Minna walked in on her father fucking a woman - most likely Vanessa - and was apparently pretty traumatized by the sight. I'm not necessarily jumping to incest-conclusion, although it is a bit weird that the daughter would be so obsessed with her father's sex life.

I really hope they're not going for a Ethan-Dorian-Brona triangle - Dorian wanted Brona for the novelty of sex with a dying person, Brona did her job; I don't think there'll be anything more to it.

I've only seen Carney in The Tempest before, (where I found him a bit simpering, but not inappropriately so), so I can't say anything about the actor's range. But even in the worst case scenario, Dorian Gray might be a Betty Draper/January Jones situation, where (at this point hypothetical) limitations of the actor

Please don't take this as an attempt to censor you or something - of course you're welcome to raise all the objections you want. It's just…. of all the things to worry about regarding child actors in this production….. this one seems like a really bizarr thing to hone in on. The actress is exposed to a million times

It would be fun, but I can't see it. I do think Euron's got some sort of magical trump card (those warlocks from Quarth he has captured surely can pull of some nice tricks now that the magic is getting stronger), but, logistical implausibilities not even considered, Euron and Daario aren't particularly similiar,

Fingers crossed. (I do kinda like Dorne as well, but I feel that storyline might take even longer to pay off.)


I saw a side-by-side comparison in a gifset and I actually think his previous attempt looked tastier. With the most recent one, it looks as if the dough didn't really rise to the occasion. He's sacrificing function for form. Hopefully not an indication of the show's overall artistic sensiblities.

I'm lucky enough not to have any triggers either, so I can't speak from personal experience, but I would imagine that a flashback to some traumatic event that _actually happened_ to you might be more upsetting than some fairly abstract anxiety about space inspiring feelings of insignificance (which I share, by the