Adele Quested

Calling for more equal opportunity pandering is not necessarily about a pedantic accounting of body parts displayed. This is just as much about framing and mise en scene. You want to know what equal opportunity objectification would actually look like? Watch Spartacus.

Not manipulative? I think that bit where she talked Joffrey into not executing Dontos because making him a fool would be a greater punishment was quite inspired. She also tried to talk Joffrey into getting himself killed at the Battle of the Blackwater ("of course you would lead the attack; _my_ brother always does),

From what I understood the main reason someone might use pansexual instead of bisexual is to not sound binarist/ transphobic (cue endless debates whether bisexual is actually trans-exclusionary). I never got the impression that pansexual implies being super-promiscuous and just into everything with a pulse. I'm sure

Sadly plausible prediction. I will weep.

Ecbert offering Athelstan the library - that was some Beauty and the Beast realness right there. Seems like Ecbert out-stockholm-syndromed the actual Scandinavians. I guess offering a threesome with your hot wife and your hot self is a good start, but frankly,now that Ragnar has lost Lagertha, I'm not sure he can

To be fair, that's exactly how the show portrays it - the upper-classes clued in (Athelstan calls Ecbert out on feigning ignorance at first; they've been both to the court of Charlemagne, they know what's up), the commoners ignorant.

Vikings might not exactly have taken on the Byzantine Empire, but they seem to have left a sufficiently favourable impression w/r/t their warrior cred to be hired as bodyguards by the Byzantine Emperor. (cf. Varangian Guard).

*Sigh.* I have such a thing for Jamie Bell since Eagle of the Ninth, I was really hoping this would prove more promising. I probably might not even mind the slow-burn. Cartoonishly evil Brits however….

Lots of great art is all about variation on a theme.

^^^^ seriously, that's the chapter people on tumblr and even large segments on are clamoring for most ardently, because Martin has hinted already that shit is going to go down.

Prologue POV characters usually die in that chapter. This one doesn't.

This is why intersectionality is so important. Okay, I'm a woman who's never been particularly pretty, which can suck pretty hard, frankly. But I'm on the over-privileged end of the spectrum on pretty much any other axis you might think of - white, cis, hetero, raised middle class (albeit doing a shit job at

Sadly, I'm not completely above the occasional indulgence in (potentially fabricated) rigtheous fury (I guess my latest reblog of the guy trolling that homophobic troll falls into that category; the offending troll could well be faked; I just think it's exceedingly plausible, having seen enough similiar interactions

Or alternatively, stop derailing the discussion. That's of course also always an option. If I don't know, and I don't want to learn, I find myself something else to do.

Ha, I know that problem - that's why I have a side-blog where I do all my reblogging of Tom Hiddelston gifsets, "fake" nerdboys and Saint Sebastians. But, seriously, I generally just block "nsfw" via tumblr saviour; as long as you're a conscientious tagger we're good.

eg. Affirmative Action.

Who says it's all about race? You're attacking a strawman. Please read up on intersectionality - a concept introduced by Kimberlé Crenshaw, adressing precisely these intersections of race, class and gender contributing to systematic injustice.

Being against racism involves acknowledging it, and you are not doing that if you really can't see any pattern in the excessive use of violence against POC youth in such scenarios. Yes, class plays into it as well, but you're dreaming if you think that race is not a factor. Guess what, there's such a thing as

Yes, it would be simpler, and a lot more convenient for those who largely benefit from the current structures, and completely inefficient. Focusing on the interpersonal level and glossing over the institutionalized aspects effectively prevents any intervention that would go beyond the application of band-aids.