
Thank you for beating me to this. I’m a lifelong PD subscriber who told them to fuck off a few years ago when they really got serious about their union busting.

As a Cleveland resident, and someone that is familiar with, the word “journalists” is doing a lot of heavy lifting here.

That’s the only appealing photo of Gary, IN I’ve ever seen! Nice basement, nice bar.

My family had a bar in Baltimore. Back in the day, an uncle celebrated my cousin’s birthday by hiring a pony to ride around the bar.

60s Mustangs are hot. But I’m here to weigh in on the new names. Not only are they hella confusing, but when I made my selection and it switched to the vote counts THEY SWAPPED PLACES. I was like “I voted good buy, didn’t I?”

I get that “crack pipe” is both a little unprofessional and not very automotive, so here are

Hoo boy, hot take on those lazy millenials, who are clearly the ones who bought all the automatic Trans Ams in the 70s and 80s.

Yesterday I threw out "Nice Price or No Dice" kind of late in the day, but it still gained some traction.  I'll throw it out earlier today.  And I agree, the new name isn't exactly hard to figure out, but I do have to think no about it.  And if you happen to have water cooler talks with other Jalops about this the

How about peach or lemon?

Archer got derailed when ISIS eclipsed ISIS, if you can dig it. That necessitated* a big reworking, and they never stopped fiddling with what was once a perfectl-balanced concept.

* allegedly; i think it would have been funnier if they kept working for ISIS (“GOD DAMN IT, NO, THE OTHER ONE”)

Can we just stop for a moment and reflect on what a tremendous loss it was for us all to lose the perfection that was the International Harvester symbol?  THE LETTERS MADE A TRACTOR.

Read this article, or just the excerpt below. Short answer: untrained animals can respond badly to trained animals and jeopardize their owners’ well-being.

WTF is the obsession with gloves.

Bluebearded? This term is new to me.

“Arby’s, a chain known for its mile-high meat tower sandwiches doused in cheese and paired with perhaps the densest fries in the fast food kingdom” 

This here? Is a REALLY GOOD POINT. The whole “dress for success, here’s your penny, good work!” thing is insulting and out of touch in a way that DC specializes in.

I don’t remember gathering around the TV set on Sunday evenings to watch “That’s Impossible”

Cast the cheating in a more acceptable light? Like....

This is how you do a vampire doll. Nadja doll from What We Do In The Shadows.