I feel somewhat that Joseph Gordon-Levitt supplanted Elijah Wood as Hollywood's Tiny Quirky Handsome Fella. As a side note, I would like to watch a movie wherin JGL, Elijah Wood and Evan Rachel-Wood walk around town in sharp three-piece suits.
I feel somewhat that Joseph Gordon-Levitt supplanted Elijah Wood as Hollywood's Tiny Quirky Handsome Fella. As a side note, I would like to watch a movie wherin JGL, Elijah Wood and Evan Rachel-Wood walk around town in sharp three-piece suits.
@avclub-864d60386c8f32780eecd56f6e704f06:disqus I mean… Cheers kind of walked the line of workplace sitcom vs. group of friends sitcom.
Tell me more of "Danny Clones".
I think Sally's already older than the student in that picture- she wasn't a Kent State student, she was a teen runaway. She was there for the protest.
Nobody out-crazies Ophelia!
Oh, yeah. The Sopranos is not my *favorite*, per se, but it is unquestionably the *best*.
I recently heard two white male sketch comedians lamenting that it's "pretty much impossible" to become a writer or performer on SNL… if you're a white man. Two intelligent men who I would normally consider to be pretty self-aware genuinely believe that it's easier to be hired by Lorne Michaels to produce TV comedy if…
Locke's sweat lodge visions were great, but I loved Charlie's baptism dream with the piano in the surf. Oooh, also Hurley's pantry dream with Jin and a chicken suit. "Have a Cluckity Cluck-Cluck day!"
I know she has a pretty rabid fanbase and gets brought up a lot for roles that aren't ideal for her, but I really think Anna Kendrick would be a great Squirrel Girl.
I'll allow it.
@avclub-58238e9ae2dd305d79c2ebc8c1883422:disqus The Seperation is a good read- also about identical twin brothers, but very different in story and tone.
@avclub-da496e2db2e50a068b4ae5549d4ae1b0:disqus - that's not even close to the ballpark of the same level of sacrifice, though. That's like Paul Giamatti or Ellie Kemper deciding to be working actors instead of being trust fund children.
The Prestige, Amelie and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind are in a continuous slap bet for my favorite film of that decade. Today The Prestige is winning.
I frequently cite The Prestige as an example of a film that's better than the book from which it was adapted. Dropping the framing story and the ghosts was a great step, but more importantly, I think it's just a story that better lends itself to film than to books. It's the showmanship bit, I think.
I have frequently cited The Prestige as an example of a movie that is better than the book on which it is adapted.
That type of math problem has gone out of fashion? What replaced it?
Aw, shit. The arm Don is holding is draped in light blue. Who wears light blue? Betty wears light blue. Don's going to have an affair with Betty. (aside: I mistyped "Don't going to have an affair with Betty" three times before I got it right, which is indicative of how I feel about this potential storyline.)
No shame in it. Grey's has some fantastic music.
"In Broadway, the definitive yardstick is whether you have a flawless voice that can hit every single note. "