
He’s basically a stereotypical Wall Street shark from an 80s movie. He walked off of a stock photo, of course his suit fits.

Social work is a solid, white-collar job that a lot of people don’t want to do if they don’t have other options. So it’s going to select for people who have fewer career choices, and in places with a large black population, and specifically a professional class with college-level education, that’s probably going to

Yeah, they bill you for jail even.

Every time I hear about that the cat died tragically after being put on a diet. My suspicion is that they died from broken hearts (cats love food more than anything).

What I meant is that it’s not solely in that area, and this is coming from someone that also has experience in social services.

It’s actually how it works in many states, believe it or not. Rather than deal with chronic underfunding, the counties bill the parents for the costs of dealing with the situation, whatever it might be, on the rationale that it’s all their fault. Yet another way the system penalizes poor families.

I bet he also refers to himself as The Mooch, talks in the third person a lot, and insists his male friends give him the low five with the wiggly fingers every damned day.

After having my own kids get rung through the system for something that happened to them I am VERY wary of social services. My kids were the victims in this scenario and yet we had these people in our lives multiple times a week making both of our kids miserable in a way that I didn’t know was possible. My daughter

There is no set/mandated/approved way to enjoy being outdoors. Anyone who tells you that you are doing it wrong are in fact themselves wrong.

This was an excellent rant. I’m assuming the singing clown is a metaphorical clown and not a literal clown? If not - YIKES!

I have a sibling that voted for Trump and I still can’t get over it. He’s turned into someone I don’t even recognize anymore, but for many reasons, I can’t cut him out of my life. It’s a lot harder when you’re related.

If she’s 100% certain the relationship is over and there’s nothing he can do to change it, I think ending it definitively and giving him space is the kindest thing to do. Breakups are truly the worst, and the only thing that helps is time. The only real kindness you can show when dumping someone is to be firm and

Is there anything worse than finding out someone you know and like is a full bore trump supporter? Because outside of finding out they’re a murder or rapist I can’t think of anything that terrible.

When she dies they should turn her cremains into one of those corpse gems. Something really shiny and bright. People could take turns stealing her as a neverending tribute.

While millions of refugee children/children of immigrants/etc. get ripped away from their parents and/or denied access to a country and healthcare that could *actually* help them. Fuck everything.

Anybody who names their album Lust For Life and isn’t Iggy Pop needs to have a word with me.


Good fuck, my eyes!

I’m just going to pretend it’s the fabric.

Not only did I have a binder full of CD’s, I had one of these set-ups