
A lot of police, across the country, woke up yesterday and thought “Give me a reason.” For so many, their attitude wasn’t to protect life or property or maintain decorum, but to confront and put down protesters challenging their authority. That, along with the obvious racial component, is why these protests are

Who is even thinking about Bernie or Warren as a nominee at this point? I’m well aware that he’s going to be the nominee, and it’s strange that literally any observation of Biden being less-than-perfect turns into someone in the comments accusing me or Jezebel at large of being deluded about the reality we find

Broken? So a running play should never be successful, right? Because if even 1 running play can be successful, someone has always been able to theoretically win by doing only running plays. How about the other guy’s defense, have you watched him play? Why is the first question not “if the opponent knew it was a run

You may be confused . The last Indiana Jones and the last crusade was released in 1989. Not sure what this 2008 Indiana Jones you’re talking about is.

I’m all for historical accuracy, but there’s a thin line to realism where a dev has to consider things like my character needing to go to the bathroom and sleep or going into battles that actually took place in ancient Japan, fighting giant enemy crabs and hitting their weak points for massive damage.

I don’t think I’m capable of trusting someone who hates blathers.

Memes aside:
There’s a very actionable response to an individual company taking a singular action in comparison to say, trying to argue against the entire NSA.

(Hi Jim, how’s the kids. Thanks for checking in every day.)

I’m with you that people should take privacy more seriously, and plenty of folks made a fair

Hell, The Last Jedi was one of the best things to happen to this series in decades and people are still arguing about how it was actually bad.

John Delaney is a failed presidential candidate. John Mulaney is the comedian you’re looking for!

I’m actually genuinely shocked that it’s taken this long for these kinds of stories to arise.

Ha ha ha! I saw this one polo-shirt-wearing snap-back-hat jerk stretching out with his WTF-iron and I said to myself, “Self, what would a busy-body white lady do in this instance?” and I pulled out the old cell phone and called the po po

You are an American hero

I did a reverse Becky/Karen today! O yes I did!

I’ve noticed a lot of the negative hot takes from people just absolutely do not acknowledge that Taika is jewish, interesting that.

Did everyone also miss the fact that Taika Waititi, who directed the movie and played imaginary Hitler, is half Jewish. Most of Hollywood may be trash but I trust Taika Waititi.

This take is too hot. There is absolutely no way that you actually paid attention to the film. Right out the gates with “It is a movie that asks its audience to sympathize with a poor little Nazi boy who really wants to participate in the Holocaust” you show that you might not have even watched the movie. 

My grandmother survived the Holocaust by being smuggled around German attics. Jojo Rabbit was my favorite movie of 2019. This is an appalling take on a movie that tells today’s kids what being a Nazi looks like and how to stop being a Nazi, by putting it in a frame they will actually pay attention to.

JoJo Rabbit isn’t trying to make you laugh along with Nazis. It illustrates how absurd the beliefs about the Jews were, how propaganda can influence even children, and how we must never stop fighting fascism.

my takeaway was definitely different.