
I really hope it’s a new Smash game on Switch, and not just a ‘deluxe’ port of Smash 4.

I got all of my friends into the game but never got the DLC even though they did. I played some of it on friends’ consoles, but never owned it myself. If D1 had released closer to the state it was in after the first few expansions it would’ve not only had more content, but also been more fairly balanced. Since I

I ship Rey and Kylo

This is why I never bought any DLC for Destiny 1, and didn’t even give Destiny 2 a chance. I loved the gameplay of 1 and playing with friends was a blast, but the content just isn’t there and I can’t support the scummy business practices.

Ok, I’ll bite. From 20 or so people that I’ve talked to in person about TLJ, 13 had a negative opinion of it overall. There were three main categories of complaints: plot holes, pacing issues, and characters.

I really don’t want PS5 to come out for a while. My graphics are fine! I don’t want to spend any more money on consoles!

What are you trying to say lmao? Literally every person I’ve talked to about this movie is liberal, and I’ve heard some that love it and some that hate it. Why would your political ideology have anything to do with whether or not you like the movie (I mean unless you’re racist or sexist to the point that you like a

I really liked TFA initially, liked it less the more I thought about it, and now I’m fine with it since it set up TLJ, which I loved. I also worry Abrams will screw it up, especially since the general reaction to TLJ has been so negative for some reason.

It really does sound like he says “so long, gay Bowser” lmao thanks Dunkey

So it was basically Spy Kids 3? lmao

Wait, until now no one knew why this guy randomly went blind in the main game’s campaign? Having not played the game, that seems like a major oversight

If you actually bother to get the games from it and try stuff you might like, it’ll probably be worth it. Sometimes there are dry spells, but I’ve gotten so much awesome stuff from it. Transistor, Towerfall, Spelunky, Guacamelee, Resogun, Until Dawn, inFAMOUS: First Light, MGSV: GZ and many others were all PS+ games

Man, between The Last of Us 2, Death Stranding, Spider-Man PS4, God of War, Ghost of Tsushima, Detroit: Become Human and that Shadow of the Colossus remake, I’m very happy to own a PS4.

I was getting excited about PS+ again with inFAMOUS Second Son & MGSV (both of which which I already owned :/ ) and Until Dawn, Abzu (maybe that was a while ago idk) & Just Cause 3 coming to it. But Bound doesn’t look like it’ll be anywhere near as good as Journey/Abzu and everything else looks bad. Uggh.

The big eyed style looks awesome in live action... until you see normal people side by side with it in the same movie. Since the original was a manga, wouldn’t everyone have big eyes? Same thing for her being CG. Looks fantastic, just not next to live action.

I mean yeah but (practically) every company is, at least this way I can a funny tweet for my data being collected instead of nothing

This game sounds interesting

This is really funny

This is really funny

Yeah, as neat as it is that Nintendo always wants to innovate with its consoles, those features hardly ever actually add to the games. There are tons of masterpiece-level games on Nintendo consoles, but off the top of my head I can’t think of a single one that was really improved by gimmicks like motion controls or