
Personally, I don’t really care what my console looks like (I don’t really care about the form factor at all), but it is weird that they made it look less pretty as opposed to more.

I don’t even own an Apple Watch (and barely use my Gear S2), but THANK YOU! This is a much better fit for the style of gameplay, I think.

I am hoping to play all the MGS games eventually, so I would 100% buy MGS 1-3 (and 4 if I could run it) on pc. Peace Walker I think would still be best on Vita though.

Thought I’d be getting CIv V for $1... darn.

Thought I’d be getting CIv V for $1... darn.

Meh, even Uncharted 4 (which I adore) still had a bit of that at launch. Like in UC4, it’s probably not something that will happen often, or even for everyone, but it’s something that they wanted to fix.

that was pretty trippy

dude those wind-out controllers look dope

Awesome post!

Supposedly saving maps for offline use helps with the GPS’s drain on the battery. I don’t get why the game uses as much data as it does, even when I’ve downloaded the area so the game won’t have to refresh the map constantly.

Same! Not enough yellow on the map... i’m convincing all of my friends joining to join yellow by telling them it gets a special bonus where they live lol

Honestly why anyone wouldn’t have prime by now is beyond me.

Honestly why anyone wouldn’t have prime by now is beyond me.


First person Sonic? Actually I’d love to try that. Mid-air jump attacks would be vomit inducing, though.

Now playing

Also the fact that they hacked it to work on any Android phone

I would’ve actually bought that one, too...

ooooo shots fired :)

I got don’t starve on Vita for free in this way; don’t feel bad as I already got it with PS Plus on my PS4, but the devs don’t support cross buy.

Yes! Thank you!

I have heard more negative things about 4 and 5 from my friends who are fans (maybe b/c they are bad, maybe b/c they try to be innovative and the fanboys don’t like it, I don’t know), but Halos 1-3 and Reach honestly seem so great from everything I’ve seen and heard. If there’s one thing I wish I had a XBone for, it

It seems like it will be possible with the remappable controls, auto-lock and all, but does anyone have an optimal method of playing this game with only the right hand?