
I have always disliked the character Kira so much. I know shes a child but i cant stand looking at the actress either, she has this way of acting that just irritates me.
I wouldn't say I hate child actors but i certainly hate when story lines center around children.

lol you are missing out.


I'm still confused by Blaine suddenly being a zombie again.

lol what tweets? I must have missed it.

this season was so poor though.

glad to know someone else disliked her zombie wigs for the same reasons

I must be the only one who doesn't find Ravi funny and that stupid cliffhanger - as if we are suppose to believe Ravi is gonna die…lol that was lazy.

Right, thanks for telling me.

Oh thank god I found someone who felt the same way about this episode. I swear I was confused by the grade and all the positive the comments. For me, this for me was the worst brain Liv has been on and alot of this episode bored me the hell out of me. Especially the game scene, that went on for too long, i do admit

them playing the game best moment? That shit bored me to death, it was also really obvious that they would get so into it. I was just waiting for it to happen. Ok i laughed once

I'm genuine surprised by the A- grade.
Apart from the last 10 minutes and Ravi's accent change, this episode bored me to death.

Saw his death coming too and it was sad until he started talking for so long - was kinda annoying like HR hurry and die please. If you are gonna talk for this long then maybe Barry can take you to a hospital. You might have had a chance.

Well Barry didnt really have a connection with HR. But it was sad that someone like Tracey seem to care more about his death than Barry that he knew longer.

oh trust me, A lot didn't think so highly of the 100 after the pilot episode. I certainly didn't and judging but what i read at that time, others felt the same. But like you say you will get hooked.

Jaha is the most experience engineer there and a leader (even though he is a dick, he can influence) plus he found the damn Bunker and was the only one who didnt give up finding the bunker.

you cannot deny that Octovia slaughtered loads of people when she really didnt need to. Warrior or not

Well get over Lexa, its not like the character could have stayed full time, the actress was doing FTWD.
I must be the only one who realized that Lexa was gonna die, I just didnt like the way she did die.

I already forgot about the mass suicide until this comment, Didnt leave an big impressions on me but sure I'll give them an applaud for doing it. I only wished I cared about the suicidal people.

im hoping its Bellamy who yells at her.