
lol. I really love the packing of the Kotex ‘U’ line. The packaging shouldn’t matter, but I can’t help it! It’s so cute!

Nothing is worse than getting home from Walgreens and realizing you accidentally bought the scented tampons.

I have feelings of horror when I think of never have I ever. I joined a sorority in college (I know, I know but everyone was doing it) and there was this sleepover for the pledges. And we played the most frightening game of never have I ever EVER. No one could think of things they hadn’t done after a couple of rounds

I watched it very quietly on a spare TV every day after school while my mom worked in the den, lest she flip her shit about me seeing babies be born. I quite enjoyed that show.

I’VE MET DOUG! That family lives in my town, he came into my store once and started talking all about being on the show. I thought he might’ve been making it up but apparently not. Huh. He seemed well meaning but a little doofy, evidenced by him telling us that he and his wife are featured because he’s an older white

I loved that show. It was so sweet. Such happy endings.

A Baby Story and Bringing Home Baby were awesome, and 30 minutes is just enough time that you care enough to root for them but they don’t become professional reality TV stars. The more involved “get to know this family way too well over the course of several episodes/seasons” shows are where it either gets really

I liked A Baby Story. It was nice and not overly dramatic. I watched it every day when I was unemployed.

I will never understand all these super-Christy types who mess with God’s plan by using science to have statistically near-impossible multiple births. Was it not God who made it so you couldn’t conceive? I thought God’s plan was always the right one.

it’s just a side-by-side comparison of Khloe (taken several years ago) and Sydney Simpson in which they look, well, fine, they look like half-sisters.

For some strange reason, I JUST started watching this show about three weeks ago because I saw a clip and became fascinated with the way these sisters kind of move and exist. It’s like every smaller movement they make is to avoid messing their hair, nails, and make up, and every larger movement is restricted (and

Yeah, I would kind of be mad if someone made over my car or something without my input. I guess it doesn’t matter because she could probably sell it for a lot more money now if she wanted to, but taking something you already own and like and giving it a makeover without your permission is different than a gift.

[Kylie] wants to have both well before she turns 30 because she thinks that “30 is too old for children.

Kris hated that Range Rover makeover. Or, maybe I’m projecting my reaction, because that is just ugly.

I went to the Gilmore Girls reunion in Austin this past June and I found it really strange that no one brought up Melissa or Sookie the entire time. Even when the actor who played her husband was asked about the future of his character he said, “I think Jackson would have a lot of kids.” - not Jackson and Sookie. They

In my head, she is the kind of person who would totally do that. I hope I'm right!

“She’s really fucking busy” = “We didn’t even try because we can’t fucking afford her.”

He once said on the show that he’s “passionate about socks.” I tried to find a GIF, but instead I found this one:

I mentioned this in another thread last night, but I volunteered in Flint on Sunday and what struck me most was the diversity of volunteers. I was a little freaked out to see a bunch of white men in camo that looked like Ammon Bundy supporters, but the volunteer coordinator said that Michigan militias have been

Or it’s because she’s actually a garbage human being herself. She’s bisexual but loves calling her gay fans “faggots” and physically attacking them and she also likes physically assaulting random people on the street. She sounds like the perfect Trump voter.