
I don’t watch his show because I don’t watch any of these talk shows. But all of the clips I see are infinitely more entertaining and smile inducing than all the other clips I see. He seems genuine vs. falsely kiss-assy. I’d rather watch him than anyone else.

OK but like, I loved that whole interview and he is cuddly and I don’t care about anyone of you who hates him. It’s fine. That was cute. I would talk behind my computer to cover my embarrassment, too. And then also spray face spritz in my mouth without reading the label properly.

Yes. The wide set. I am measured at a C because of the width, but those fuckers are sure as shit not a C according to the cleavage. I would get fake boobs but I had surgery and all that entails (needles, anesthesia, recovery, expenses) and don’t want to have to keep getting surgery every 10 or so years for the upkeep.

My boobs are concave. No matter what bra I wear I have never had cleavage. No.Matter.What. I hate any and everyone who has that ability. I gained a shitton of weight at one point and my boobs got wider, they did not get ‘girlier’. And with the weight loss my abnormally low hanging fruit became even more low hanging

That’s OK, I will survive (think, the song). It’s my own fault for accidentally throwing it out. MY OWN, STUPID FAULT. I should have just let my cats play with the paper instead of depriving them of their fun and then I would have found it. If I weren’t such a buzzkillington, things would have turned out differently.

It is the weirdest thing. I swear sometimes my skin adores the humidity and other times (as in now) my eczema rears its ugly head and my pimples are like OH HELLO WE MISSED YOU and my hair is like, HEY WE HAVE NEVER HEARD OF FRIZZ CONTROL SO WE’RE JUST GOING TO DO WHATEVER FEELS LIKE A THING. So I want to not blame

But like I could totally do it if I just go on Tinder and research it I think. I just start doing to instead of too and saying “POSITIVITY ONLY” and “GOD FIRST” but having lots of sex. I mean, rite? RIIIIIGGGHHHTTT? (Said really loudly and high pitched as an answer to everything, always, as everyone around me does for

I read dirty romance novels on the elliptical and put it as hard as I can go so that it’s more difficult for me to make facial expressions as I read (too damn expressive, this girl). It doesn’t work, though.


I feel like, if I had no job and no anxiety and no self-awareness, I would probably go on the show because why not?

AHHH!! You are too sweet! Really, I am a baby. It is apparently my own fault and also not a big deal. My curls are finicky and work best with leave in conditioner and not curl treatments so I probably would have hated it anyways, tbh. BUT THANK YOU!

Doesn’t it look good?! Like... I almost don’t want my Kloverbox? But I do, because I want all the boxes. I went on this research binge and found blogs that had various ones. I even found this scam box that scammed bloggers and their followers! CRAZY. But then I found Goodebox and decided it looked legit enough, heh.

I would swear that I did because I am a small child and constantly hoping there is more... But maybe I didn’t? I know my cats sure tried to.

Also, did anyone else who gets the Petit Vour box break out from the Juara? I wasn’t sure if it was my skin reacting to the rapid rise in humidity in AZ or the random application of whatever is in the pouches (as happens). So I’m curious about anyone else’s experiences.

I’m thinking that sounds right. There’s a Joe and a Sam too?

YAAAAYYYY!!! I literally feel like I go a year between these posts waiting for them. As an aside: my Petit Voir box did NOT come with the Feed Your Curls sample and I am now PISSED as I have curls and they need food. I feel cheated. I feel used. I feel abused. I feel disenchanted and youthful and like a disenchanted

It sounds ridiculous in the a good way. I generally hate reality TV but my roommate is, for some reason, obsessed. And it’s rubbing off on me. I am beginning to love Tardy to the Party. But that’s because it’s less about negativity and more about general fun. This one seems just like hot mess island but not ‘lets bash

That’s what I’m getting from the reviews, which is why I’m intrigued. Also, I’m horrible with names and so it’s just so.difficult. for me to follow along and keep track of everyone everyone that I really want to watch. I also like this format better than the stupid Bachelor/Bachelorette format.


SO.DELICIOUS. Srsly. The calico has the softest fur and she was obese when I got her from the rescue so she has this loose skin that is just like, extra fun to grab hold of (especially since she’s all finicky and hates to be touched). And when she lounges she sticks out her leg in the most edible, turkey drumstick