
Right there with yah. I tried, I tried so hard to read the book. But I couldn't. It is awful. The entire time I watched the trailer I kept waiting for him to turn into a psycho stalker/killer to represent his true character. Also, that music can be quite foreboding... But, Jamie Dornan IS sexy, and I think they could

My friend's mother, a grown woman nearing her late 50's, works in a supermarket. She was at my friend's house one day folding laundry and I listened to her go on and on and on and on and on AND ON about how horrible these celebrities are, how scandalous their lives are. And the sex! My goodness! Their sex lives are

I try to ignore Blake Lively (and I'm usually successful at it), but I distinctly remember her after first becoming famous bragging about how she bought her red carpet dress at Forever 21. Apparently at some point in her life she did pay attention to price tags and bragged all over about how "normal" she was. She no

Only in my head each night. And while driving. And working. And working out. And breathing.

a. What is this movie?

If that is sarcasm, I will still say, "You're welcome, anytime", and mean it.

I know, I have a problem. I was on the elliptical the other day and saw this short, sturdy man I hadn't seen in months. He is so beyond beautiful it hurts me. He looks like a lumberjack. Broad shoulders and back, sculpted but not in the roid fashion, an ass that just will.not. I... I can't. He needs to be in a forest

Number 4 wins for the extra butts. Extra butts for everyone! No but really, I appreciate that that movie decided men were to ogled with skimpier outfits than women. Also, I just really appreciate a good couple of globes.

Ahhhh!! (I don't have cable and don't go out of my way to find SNL stuff) I've never really seen her before! That was a truly fantastic interview, probably because he just let her go and she is a performer so she knew what to do. Now I must Google that Drake skit (never really seen Drake and thought, "Now that is a man

Yah, I'm guessing the key to being successful is finding what you're most comfortable doing, and then you'll be better equipped to ensure your guests comfortable. I think maybe Seth isn't comfortable yet? Who knows. I'm spending far too much time trying to psychoanalyze talk shows that I don't watch...

I don't think I've watched many of his clips, but something I noticed right off with this one was that it was just so obviously scripted. That was where the awkwardness came for me. I feel like Jimmy Fallon is a great host because while he has his set things to talk about, it's less, "We must discuss each of these

Inneresting. I have a Roku with Hulu and Netflix and am trying to find new shows to watch. Thanks!

I'm afraid to Google this, as I'm at work, could you give me a quick rundown of this show? And also, is it on Netflix or Hulu?

I was mid-type to a work colleague when I clicked back on the link for this comment and the meme came up again and I had to stop typing and put my hands to my mouth while I silently held my breath and giggled at the same time. I just don't know why I love it so much, but I do.

I can't stop staring at the one of him chewing. I don't know why, but I am into him right now. Which hasn't really ever happened before. WHY DO MEN EATING TURN ME INTO A PILE OF MUSH?!

I appreciate your friend and her argument and her uterus (I want to say balls because that is the lingo "grow some cajones!", but we're ladies, and uterii are tougher than balls, soooo).

Oh yes, this I understand. I would HATE to be a doctor because you are constantly risking malpractice. With as many people as you would treat, you would forever be disappointing someone. And what happens if that person is "sue happy". You know? Bleck, give me my boring, customer-less desk job any day.

This is a great answer. That's basically how my male work friend felt about both his kids. REALLY didn't want them. Then the oldest hit walking, talking, fun age (seriously, I love that age), and he was like, "SCORE!". Then his wife popped out another and he was like, "I'll just be over here with the fun kid." Now the

Yes, same thing happened to me. A... friend... told me about this. And she told another friend, and then they Googled "naked Alex Minsky" on her Nook whilst at work. It was not a bad day.

EXACTLY! And to this I say: kids, they're not for everyone. I pat myself on the back (I'm so damn smug) for knowing this. I HATE when people respond to my stance with the "You'll change your mind some day" bullshit. Listen, even if I do change my mind, it has nothing to do with you. You have kids, great, I do not, and