
It looked like (and I know the video was cut) that she would pop out one egg, stop, someone would give her the sheet covering, insert, and then pop again. Seems like it was probably fairly time consuming. And actually? Sort of anticlimactic for me. It did inspire me to look into paint splattering some day when I buy a

I just commented on someone else's- all I could think about, were I to attempt this (I don't know why I would, if I wanted a paint splatter art piece, I would throw paint balls) is that I would pee all over everything. No joke, how did she do this? I am 26, never had kids, never had trauma to my lady muscles and yet I

All I could think about was how I would end up peeing. Peeing all over everything. In front of a bunch of strangers and the internet. Pee pee pee. So yah, that's the technical issue I got caught up on.


That is VERY important! You can get there, I know you can. Some people have been commenting about the things that helped them, so please, please look at their posts. You deserve to be happy with yourself. You deserve to know that you are important and worth it. Love was created for all of us (even those crazy bastard

Oh my gosh, it does! Like, I was driving around yesterday after this post and feeling like such a pooper because I couldn't think of the exact thing that got me here. You know? Like... everyone has that turning point and mine has just blurred together in this big jumble of, "I'm no longer angry!" And thank you, your

It IS the balls! No, I tried finding a therapist, but gave up pretty quickly. In some ways... I liked hating myself. I always wanted to be special, and I was making myself special to me. And then of course it got slightly out of control. I had an awesome nurse practitioner I saw for my anti-anxiety/anti-depressant

Ahhh!! This is awesome! I love how many people are saying this! It is just... it's like being in the fucking ocean, and not knowing how to swim, in the middle of a storm. Congratulations!

Yah, I was trying to find words to help, someone asked me for tools. But honest to goodness I don't know! I still struggle when I find myself in certain situations that used to just derail me. Dating is a big one. I will, of course, forever be fucked up, forever have commitment issue, forever pick the wrong guys,

Ahh! I did not realize how many responses I would get! I will say this: part of what got me here is growing up. I was 12 when I first contemplated suicide (never attempted), and the following years were yo yo years when I alternated between hating others and hating myself. When I got to 19 I lost weight (working out

In all seriousness: my favorite fact about myself is that I am no longer self loathing. It is awesome. I was thinking about it the other day and as a now adult, I no longer can even put myself back into my depressive state. I mean, sure, I can remember cutting and burning, I can remember hating myself, I can remember

Yah, I can see that. It still seems like a dick move if the person could have caught it and instead asshole fan comes along and snatches it. Over. And over. And over again.

So are people holding him as a hero because he's an asshole who does whatever is necessary to get a ball even if it disrupts the game? And people like assholes?

So I basically know nothing about baseball, but would that ball have gone into the catchers hands if that kid hadn't gone for it?

I smiled at the great time they had on their one night stand. For all of the rest of it I kept repeating in my head, "Why didn't you go upstairs and ask him for help?" I just... understand none of this. But I would watch it for the great one night stand.

I had the same confusion. And almost the same reactions. Except instead of a "shut up and take my money" it was more of a, *shrugs* "I'd watch that". Also, by 'bandage dress' I literally thought she meant a dress made of ace bandages. And was disappointed to find out it was a yellow bandage dress.

Dude, I understand. People (myself included) can be real dicks. The older I get and the more comfortable with myself I become, the more I could care less about other people's sexuality. In fact, there are lots of dudes I know who I wouldn't mind watching make out with each other. For reals. And then I hear a comment

beeteedubs, your name is giving me great smiles as it is reminding me of Hot Tub Time Machine. Lougle.

hahaha, just so we're clear, she wanted to, right? Damn, I need a good makeout sesh. All this talk is making my mouth lonely...

Damn girlfriends... ruin everything! Haha, girls, in my experience and the experience of most of the ladies I know who have made out with other ladies, are better kissers than men. Naturally. Now, I have kissed a couple of dudes who were AMAZING kissers, but the average girl is a better kisser than the average man, in