
Depending on what you mean by “play like,” I’d argue that Ape Escape is mechanically very similar. Or at least it was the very first game that popped into my head, having played both of them.

It’s all going to be pointless anyway. Once he’s out, he won’t live long. They’d have to do some next level cosmetic surgery to safely hide him in witness protection, if he can even manage to shrug off his habits.

I’m extremely excited for this, especially because I’ve never heard of this game before. Always looking for new, unique RPGs... even if this isn’t particulary new? Can’t wait!

If anything, he can introduce the developer/publisher names and then the title on the start menu like how the Resident Evil titles get introduced. I can hear it now.

The Next Castlevania Game” YES?! “Is Coming To Phones”

This is the god’s honest truth. My Steam library is chock full of games I wouldn’t have bought on my own, but did when it was in a Humble bundle. I’ve discovered some interesting gems that way.

Well, I don’t want to be too spoilery, but the Magic DPS role quest line had a fairly decent explanation for how people could slip between worlds (intentionally, accidentally, or by antagonistic force) in a way other than WoL’s go-between.

Only Dark Knights have massive swords like that and we hold them up with the sheer force of our masterful Edging of the Lords.

Oh don’t worry, it’s only going to bite the asses of the numerous employees of the company who don’t actually have a say in how the company practices their heroin dealing. The Sachler family will probably be just fine, because we can’t have nice things.

I panicked for a second and thought Discord Nitro was a game developer/publisher who was pulling their games from stores. I was like “Wait, do I own any of their games? Should I download them before they disappear?!”

Yeah, something that “kills” you by destroying your career, your relationships, your credit, your bank accounts... that would be actually scary. Some oogie-boogie that just physically kills you when your time’s up? Yawn. I can die on the bus ride to work tomorrow. A life-long struggle with identity theft, debt, soured

Yeah, it seems odd to me to complain about it being “just more Borderlands.” Like, that was the draw? Borderlands was a fairly unique loot-based, shooty, RPG-ish game that did not (and mostly has not) had an equivalent since the first game aside from other entries in the series itself? That’s its whole shtick?”

Good lord, I’m in the same boat as you. All of my friends are getting married or having babies or both and they’re a bit on the richer side, so all those assholes want to have bullshit destination weddings and expect gifts. I love them to death, but they’re killing me.

Oh god, I thought I was the only one who associated Panini with Chowder. When I first heard the song I was thinking “I’m not your boooooyfriiiiiiend.” I feel so damn vindicated right now.

All I want to know is... where can I get a frog backpack like that? It’s adorable!

The zombies turn back into humans, of course.

Why yes, I’ll take one of everything in the Atlus booth and all those Monster Rancher keychains. Please allow me to empty my wallet.

Or making random things up entirely, like Tallahassee Trail.

Frankly, I’m disappointed a Tribble joke wasn’t the top comment.

I mean, if I have to be honest... I’m really only here at all for Honeybee Inn?