Adam Williamson

See, mate, the problem is you're in the Inventory department, right? Can't help you with mashups over here. More than my job's worth. But if you'll just head over to the Good Job, Internet! department, they've got all the mashups you could ever need, and more. So, so, so many more.

He's an 'american ninja warrior'. That's the specific term they've used, all the way through all the seasons, for someone who finishes stage 4 inside the time limit, and it's what they referred to him as on the show. He's not a 'winner', because by the perfectly clear rules of the show (which have actually been

I don't actually see what you lot are talking about at all. They gave almost equal promotional effort (at least within the show, we don't get trailers for it up north) to all the other prominent women, so far as I saw - all the ones who've completed qualifying courses / qualified for Vegas by right / done well in

They've had wild cards every season I've watched.

Yeah, the first time (way back in city qualifying) was cute. The sixty third started to grate.

They didn't do anything particularly unusual for her. They have a bunch (30, I think?) of wild cards every year, and it's pretty hard to argue against giving one to the *best female competitor ever*. They've given wild cards to men who'd had strong performances in earlier seasons but then busted early on that season's

The thing is, about half the obstacles she finished the year before ought to have been impossible for someone her height and weight as well, so when she merely achieves the *possible* it seems like a let down. :)

It's the spatula, isn't it. I never did trust that thing.

Hey, I liked the first one. Second one kinda petered out.

I'm not sure about #3, but #6 is definitely Louis-Philippe Ladouceur.

I did wonder if Cookie meant the 11:30 slot rather than 'network talk', but wasn't sure.

I'm surprised more people haven't noted that the 'cursed amulet' gag, as well as being hilarious, was a clear callback to the Carson era of extremely up-front product placement…kind of an awesome trick to pull that off while being funny and not obnoxious.

Me wonder if you forgot Craig Ferguson already?

American Ninja Warrior. I will defend that show to the death.

I think the message of Kill La Kill was 'clothes are evil, but only if they're actually secretly mind-controlling space aliens. Non-mind-controlling-space-alien clothes are A-OK!'

This just isn't true. I'm involved in all sorts of fairly nerdy communities (I'm a quality engineer for Red Hat…) and they all have quite a few members who are pretty into fitness. There are always a few who are into something that's heavily trackable who love crunching the numbers (usually running or biking), but

Personally I walk around everywhere in a bulletproof vest and large helmet. Doing anything else is just provoking all those murderers, and I'd only have myself to blame if I got shot.

The Lesser-Spotted Unicorn: 2 AV Club articles without a single mention of The Office, Parks & Recreation or Community

Hey, it's not a mash-up or a supercut. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

One of the weirdest (yet most awesome) shows I ever saw was Death Cab supported by The Hold Steady. They dedicated this song to Hold Steady, which was a pretty (intentionally) funny move.