curse you, science.
curse you, science.
It's an *island*. Implicit in this is that it's surrounded by water, and it seems a reasonable bet it contains a decent amount of manipulable matter.
"Look, you say to the historians of science, a group of them, “Let’s all
go and meet and discuss these ideas”; then they won’t even agree on
which pub to meet in. Never mind the details of the history."
Agent Notappearingin Thisepisode?
Hey, I always knew there was a WWE / Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. crossover audience, and you're it!
yeah, you think they come up with all those terrible puns and lines about how this is 'the most important event in my culinary career' by themselves? ooooookay.
conclusive proof that Gordon Ramsay cares more about Masterchef Junior: he actually put on an honest to God *necktie* this week!
"A X is not as it seems in the trailer for M. Night Shyamalan’s Y"
was I the only one who spent the whole episode wondering why instead of getting confused between "three steaks, one skate" followed by "three skates, one steak" they didn't just call the freaking skate "the fish"?
"Why does Dottie need a sniper rifle to contact Dr. Ivchenko? Couldn’t she have just used binoculars or a scope?"
On the road? In his bus? In case you've never made it, fresh guac goes off pretty fast, you pretty much have to eat it the same day.
Yes. Jack White is well-known to have the world's finest guacamole taster on his payroll, so he can make sure the venues aren't using plain old field tomatoes instead of vine-ripened.
Oh, I certainly agree with you to an extent. I guess my reservation is just about the extent to which our perception of whether a call is 'good' hinges on the inherently uncertain result. If we could run the fake field goal play 100 times in 100 parallel universes, maybe it fails 60 times out of a 100, and in those 60…
I think what he was going for is that rolling the dice had gotten the Seahawks this far, so it's not so crazy to go with it again. I mean, think of the fake field goal in the previous round - because it came off everyone said it was 'gutsy' and 'ballsy' and whatever, if it hadn't come off, people would've laid into…
I don't have those numbers to hand, but it occurred to me to wonder whether most cases of violence against women are reported (or, not reported…) and filed as domestic abuse, and hence don't show up in the numbers for 'physical assault'. Analysis of crime stats can be a minefield.
So is a purple dinosaur.
…then get out your phone, and play with it all evening?
It seems a bit unfair to call the Earl of Sandwich a funny name since the food is named after the earl who, at least according to the story, invented it (obviously not the current one), and Sandwich is an actual place of which they are the earls. All in order, and the next boy I catch sniggering will get a detention.
also about 95% (based on the highly scientific 'more or less making shit up' method) of gay fan fiction authors, and I'm not even gonna start talking about certain Japanese fiction niches because I'm afraid Bizarro's mind might not be able to cope.
It's certainly valuable to have the input of someone who refers to a woman as "that hot brunette in the chair" on casting equality!