if everyone else thought the same as I did about the trailers, I'm pretty sure the movie was going to be effectively boycotted in any case.
if everyone else thought the same as I did about the trailers, I'm pretty sure the movie was going to be effectively boycotted in any case.
um. by your account he didn't balk because he thought it was morally wrong, but because he thought it was doomed to fail. so he is apparently no more 'moral' than Mr. Levin, but much less rich, and also has been proven comprehensively wrong. I'm having difficulty seeing where he won a victory of any nature, moral or…
and hey, you could always look on the bright side and remember what the networks used to use as filler: terrible, terrible game shows.
Liam Neeson. I mean, how can you not?
oh man, Bond 24 should just be Bond: 24. it'd sell all the movie and TV tickets forever and ever.
I actually hated it first time I saw it, and liked it more seeing it on blu-ray right after Casino Royale. When I saw it in the theater I'd forgotten all the stuff that happened in CR, but it was better watching them together.
"What’s the deal with extra time? It feels like a criminally imprecise
way to account for the play clock. Do the referees just kind of estimate
how much time is wasted by guys flopping around the turf and adjust
"He got drunk and said a few things, but we’ve all said those things."
"To be fair, the only episode we’ve seen is one we’ve seen three times for some strange, cosmic reason."
"this flannel-and-hacky-sack saturated crowd"
oh, the event isn't gratuitous, but it is kinda hard to find a reason why we really needed to *see* popping eyeballs right there.
"And that isn’t merely a critique of the show, because the books are
absolutely not above gratuitous violence—Oberyn Martell’s gruesome death
in “The Mountain And The Viper” is more or less canon, except that Martin preceded the head-crushing with teeth-smashing, not eye-gouging."
look, the first two dozen or so mainstream media who reported this self-serving press release can maybe get a pass for not being specialists in the field, but there's now been so much thorough debunking from so many reputable sources that there's really no damn excuse for running this story uncritically, AV Club. (as…
So, what was the name of JACK WHITE'S NEW ALBUM again?
Bit late to this one, but it's gotta be asked: where does "Out Of The Frying Pan, Into The Sansa" fit in Todd's schedule of GoT spinoffs?
well, no I didn't, I just don't watch it. I *did* say "I don't even watch much reality TV". :)
I thought it was taken for granted these days that no "reality TV" is remotely based on reality any more (if it ever was) :)
well, knock me down with a feather. you're absolutely right.
oh, and "because there are no gay couples on reality television" isn't really strictly true. I don't even watch much reality TV, but I'm sure gay couples have shown up on The Amazing Race more than once, and there's been at least one lesbian contestant on Hell's Kitchen, which handled it with remarkably little fuss…
"the 29-year-old ginger who happens to be in fourth in line of succession
to the throne of the Commonwealth realms, which we on this side of the
Atlantic call “England.”"