
If you are one of the people who doesn’t buy third party D&D stuff (and if you don’t, you’re really missing out), I’d argue that you’re still losing out because the best people designing in that space will move on to other games, and there will be a much smaller talent pool for WotC to draw on in the future. Nearly

This whole thing has been a weird re-run of the 4E stuff, except we’re a year and a bit out from the new edition instead of a few months, and it’s all much more EXTREME lol.

It is actually what happened. Paizo employees had mentioned it earlier in the week but Paizo came out today in a twitter thread, linked below, about it. Its wreaking a bit of hell on their shipping times and they had to order a new printing.

Believe that was covered in one of the DS9 relaunch novels! (intended to be canon, but Marco Palmieri didn’t get his way unfortunately...)

Try different systems. I promise, there is nothing really special about d and d. What's special about Roleplaying is the time you spend with friends and the memories you make, it has nothing to do with what system you're playing. Once you realize the breadth of options out there you will find many that push you as a

I’m determined to be unaffected by this ogl business. I’ve been running 5ed consistently for almost three years. I’m well over $900 in, with just a handful of third party books, map/ terrain supplies. I’ve got more than enough material for forever. I long ago decided I wasn’t buying another edition, and I don’t use

Move Along Home” belongs on this list.

I am not sure why the first and second season of DS9 gets so much hate. I know a lot apparently has to do with the heavy Bajoran stories.

I know I’ve mentioned this before, but it’s worth repeating here: “Captive Pursuit” is one of my most favorite (it’s not the best, but I love it) first season episodes that drives a lot of the characterizations later on...

“Well they’ll have to get an actual job like the rest of humanity before this sh!te existed.”

You don’t have to love them, but “Influencer” - capital I - is a viable job title in the 2020s.

A modest proposal: can we stop saying Wizards rolled a 1? This wasn’t bad luck or an oopsie. What they tried to do was fully, carefully planned, and would have worked, if the community had not stood in their way.

I did not know that!

A different generation, but the same reason.

That makes sense given the premise of the season. Willow oversteps by bringing Buffy back, which starts her down the road toward Big Bad. And Noxon wanting the show to reflect the harsher parts of maturity, which I could see including how people accept or reject responsibility for misdeeds. I was somehow unaware of

The fact that people cannot simply credit Prinze Jr. for supporting his wife through all of the trauma she had to endure is insane to me. The fact that his father was famous has nothing to do with what is being discussed here.

And good for Gellar for trying to create a safer environment for young actors. She went

The fact that she’s looking out for folks now cause there’s no one who could do that for her. She’s A-class. 

I mean i get what you are trying to say but tsr was terribly run before lorraine to the point they were selling competing boxed set of incompatible games based on the same ip under cost. 

Oh gods, I so want them to be related even though I’m sure they’re not. 

And she’s doing it at a point where monetising it should be at its easiest, given all the exposure from Stranger Things and a potential blockbuster movie coming out in a few months.