
I’ve been wondering about this, too. Because it means that he was at Quantum Leap years ago when he was in the waiting room.

Exactly this. Announcing something is perfectly fine, especially without a release date, just to confirm what’s next.

I never wrote anything on Mike’s tribute because I felt anything would be inadequate; the best comment was that his writing and enthusiasm was so genuine it made topics that weren’t interesting interesting (IDGAF about food but would eagerly read every Snacktaku).

Feige is a producer in the Thalberg/Selznick mode, he’s going to package a story and find the right writer, director, and cast, and generally make sure the machinery is functioning and well-oiled. 

For real. I was as much a fan of these movies growing up as anyone, but the reality is that there simply isn’t much there. We have a very generic hero’s journey tied to a pretty generic fantasy/SF setting, overlaid with a pretty literal allusion to the fall of the Roman Republic. A dozen movies and shows each in, it’s

I’ve heard that Star Wars and the DCEU need their version of Kevin Feige, but in both cases I feel that there are structural elements militating against this happening. In the case of the DCEU the problem is clear-cut: the parent company is run by a cost-cutting moron who hates most scripted programming and is more

You’re right, and that was a legacy from its roots in wargaming, which I imagine Ms. Codega thinks is “warmongering”. While I well remember people who “played” D&D by moving from square to square on graph paper and fought some monster culled from a random encounter table, the various groups I’ve been in never played

It’s a good question. But it’s absolutely NOT talking about “race” as we construct it. Orcs aren’t a flavour of human. They’re an entirely different species.

Even Tolkien criticized attempts to apply modern racial or cultural groupings against the races/species/groups he created in his literary works (that ultimately

Pathfinder 2nd Ed is what D&D wishes it could be when it grows up.

“this issue doesn’t affect me personally, so it shouldn’t affect anyone personally” sure is a take 

u do realize that this is my job and i dedicate my 9-5 to this lmao.

There will be more Star Wars movies, eventually, but I feel like Lucasfilm needs a change in creative direction before that happens. I’m not saying that someone needs to be fired or demoted, but Lucasfilm needs their own Kevin Feige (probably Filoni) to drive the ship creatively who’s willing to take some storytelling

Oh, the billion dollar box office behemoth that made $300 million less than the “divisive” Last Jedi?

Most believe that a film written and directed by Taika Waititi will be the next in-theaters Star Wars event

we live in the real world, and no fantasy exists in a vacuum, thinking that there are simple, easy compartments for fantasy vs reality where this is absolutely no bleed at all is ridiculous when media is such an important part of our storytelling tradition like, as a species.

But it is a success — just not all at once.

Right? The kid is OG!

I think he’s meant to be either the father or uncle of the boy who would become “Bloody” Ben Blackwood during the Dance. Either way, I think the scene tells the audience a lot about House Blackwood in just a few moments:

Seeing Better Call Saul fail to win a single Emmy yet again, after six years of running, 46 nominations and 0 wins, is truly painful.

The Starks should make a fairly significant contribution to the story down the line. Though their very biggest involvement may be out of the scope of the series, since it happens right after the Dance proper.