
In the books it’s an interesting thing that Rand is the dominant and primary POV for Books 1 and 2 (when he’s fully in denial over being the Dragon), effectively vanishes for Book 3 (when he’s no longer in denial but wants to 100% confirm it by seizing the Sword from the Stone) and then from Book 4 onwards, when he’s

Action sequences like that take an inordinate amount of time, effort and money though. Henry Cavill and the showrunner of The Witcher note that the fight sequence in the very first episode of the show was absolutely stunning, but it took like a week straight of shooting, with a huge amount of practice and training

It is an interesting issue of the books how repetitive they are. Robert Jordan would come up with an idea and then a slightly different version of that idea, but because the second idea shows up 500 pages later (or 2,000), it’s easy to miss it. It’s something that’s way more obvious on screen. In this case, Shadar

The book has a certain repetitive thing going on where the various sub-groups visit a lot of villages and towns, on their way to the big city (and in the book it’s Caemlyn rather than Tar Valon; they don’t go to Tar Valon until Book 2). So after leaving Emond’s Field, the main village in the Two Rivers, they pass

In the books there’s a clear distinction between Egwene and Nynaeve. Nynaeve is far more powerful in raw strength than Egwene, but she is nowhere near as certain and fine in her control. Her power is also overwhelmingly focused on Healing; she can do and does do other stuff, but Healing is her #1 focus, and later on

For reasons that have been undeclared, the actor playing Mat did not return to the production after the COVID break (which fortuitously happened in the gap between filming Episodes 6 and 7). So they had to reshoot the ending of the episode with the characters in the Ways reacting to Mat staying behind, and used

In the UK, for that matter, the term “monkey wrench” isn’t really used. It’s just an adjustable spanner. People have vaguely heard of the term from American shows and movies, but it’s probably best-known as the name of the Foo Fighters’ first big hit. Not much use in 1992.

Especially if you’re British, as the term “monkey wrench” isn’t really used here (it’s just an adjustable spanner).

Everyone talks about the goat puzzle, but I feel the metronome-banana-hypnotised-monkey-turned-into-a-faucet-fixer puzzle from Monkey Island 2 is underrated. That was literally unfathomable without the patented “combine everything in the game with everything else in the game in every possible situation” approach, or

If you watch Noclip’s documentary on Bethesda from a couple of years ago, it’s remarkable how much of the team has remained constant from at least Morrowind (and in some cases, like Todd, from Daggerfall) onwards. They don’t have a high staff turnover because they don’t treat their staff like overworked lunatics

Modiphius are not owned by Microsoft. Based on their success with the Fallout miniatures and RPG licence they leveraged that to make an Elder Scrolls miniatures line and then decided to do a board game (don’t be surprised if a TTRPG follows in a year or two).

Chalamet can pull off Hollywood 15, which isn't quite the same thing.

Shades of Indiana Jones, Harrison Ford is only 11 years younger than Sean Connery.

Dune is startlingly short. It is shorter than three of the Harry Potter books and much less than half the length of Lord of the Rings, or two of the Song of Ice and Fire novels.

Denuvo also seems to be part behind the technical issues on the PC version of Deathloop, which have yet to be fully fixed.

I’d argue it’s a better game than Far Cry 5 itself, whilst being a bit tighter. If you’re following the story, New Dawn actually has the ending of the whole Seed/cult storyline in it. If you don’t care about any of that, no worries of course.

Far Cry has been trying to be Just Cause (just not overtly) since at least FC3.

Have you got New Dawn as well? The Far Cry 5 storyline continues directly into New Dawn, something that was extremely annoying because they didn’t mention this anywhere in the release material.

Watchmen (2009) is an close to a shot for shot adaptation of a comic as has ever been made (apart from the ending) and it’s not great.

Get the GoG edition. It is more optimised by having the LAA patch as standard, and I've found it plays more nicely with mods.