
They recently released the Knossos portal for Freespace 2, which makes modding it, playing the high-res remake of it (plus the first two games) and various fan-made sequels very enjoyable.

Highly unlikely, as I don’t believe it was a huge seller. It was the basis for the absolutely superb board game of the same name, and hopefully that might get a digital version one day.

I believe the original advertising for the game was done as in-universe propaganda posters painting the Rebel Alliance as terrorists.

Bit harsh. It’s a much bigger, and for my money, better game than XvT: Balance of Power (which is solid). And it’s much more approachable (i.e. not killing you instantly for no reason and expect you to grind through it) than TIE Fighter, though granted the story is a fair bit cheesier.

I always wondered why they never made it so you could have Dogmeat + another companion in the game, since Dogmeat wasn’t that great in combat so it wouldn’t have been unbalancing. In fact, I vaguely recall a modder saying there were signs in the files that the game was originally going to let you do that, and then

The “new” Black Isle Studio is just a name and has nothing to do with the original Dark Alliance devs. The original dev team of DA1, Snowblind, are now part of Monolith, who do the FEAR and Shadows of Mordor games. I don’t think many of the team are left.

I mean, as a company they sometimes feel allergic to the word “exposition,” so I wouldn’t expect them to be frontloading the worldbuilding in any case, and the lore will probably be revealed only very slowly and only if you go around looking for it.

Miyazaki was also inspired by GRRM’s earlier work, which had a lot of the same kind of thing in it (The Lost Lands of one of his earlier stories, for example). So there’s kind of a reverse feedback thing going on as well (GRRM inspires Miyazaki who asks GRRM to write something, which ends up feeling Miyazaki-ish).

It’s a spiritual sequel. It’s obviously not a literal sequel since Martin was given something of a free hand to create the world and lore, and he never seems to have looked into the Dark Souls lore or done anything to make sure it matches up.

He types his books on a modern PC (or Mac), it just has a very old word processor (WordStar 4.0) running in compatibility mode. The actual ancient PC he used was retired after the last book because they were getting to the point of having to use 3D printers to make replacement parts and things.

They were low key on the original announcement. In fact, it kind of crept out in an interview with the showrunner and no one really noticed it.

They’ll probably cast Ed for Season 2. It looks like the Netflix season is 8 episodes and Ed doesn’t show up until the ninth episode of the original show.

Casting a 13-year-old in Season 1 would have made them 15 in Season 2 and 16 in Season 3 (given Netflix’s standard 18-month gaps between seasons), so I can see the logic in holding Ed back to Season 2, plus the Netflix show’s first season is probably 8 episodes anyway and Ed doesn’t show up until Episode 9 of the

I though this meant the zombies themselves would be massive, absolute units of undead. Disappointed now.

ESO was deliberately developed as a prequel so as not to interfere with future mainline ES games (after the perception that WoW killed off any chance of a WarCraft 4 due to storyline coordination). ESO takes place a thousand years before Skyrim, ES6 will likely take place a few years after Skyrim.

Doom 3 was fine. I get the analogy to Alien 3: great taken on its own merits, but you also get why people feel it wasn’t a good fit for the series. I think the watch-phrase of Doom was “fast-paced action” so the move to “slow-paced horror” was a bit strange. I also think the game got a bit of a kicking because it was

Similar. Around the same time I bought a 2060 to prep for Horizon and Cyberpunk 2077 (I only game at 1080 so didn't need more) and was annoyed when the 30xx series was announced a few weeks later. The situation worked out quite well. At this rate I won't need to upgrade until the 40xx (or whatever) series is ready.

I think that’s being extraordinarily generous to Apple Arcade.

These are fairly low-hanging fruit - to the point that there’s mods right now which address some of them - but it’s good to see them addressing actual gameplay elements. I know some people assumed that things like the cop spawning and car handling would be ignored as CDPR focused purely on bug-stomping and performance

2005+ Doctor Who has been very widely described a reboot. In fact, the original 1963-89 run had several moments which have frequently been referred to as reboots in retrospect.