I’m going with the theory that Lorca is actually the Lorca from the Mirror Universe. A lot of minor oddities about the character and the show suddenly make more sense, most notably him apparently forgetting about his relationship with Cornwell.
I’m going with the theory that Lorca is actually the Lorca from the Mirror Universe. A lot of minor oddities about the character and the show suddenly make more sense, most notably him apparently forgetting about his relationship with Cornwell.
It’s unusual for Star Trek but not other franchises. Babylon 5 canonically had a third-in-command we never even (knowingly) met, Major Atumbe, and we never met the chief engineering officer or the head of the linguistics department (who existed from the presence of the translation teams), or the replacement commander…
Empress Sato, more likely, since that’s who ended up in charge of the Empire. Intriguingly, Linda Park was at the Discovery premiere so I wonder if she shows up (presumably in old-person make-up, or preserved somehow by Defiant’s superior technology).
I think XWVTF was improved immensely by the Balance of Power expansion, which added a story campaign you could play co-op.
Obsidian proposed a new Star Wars RPG to Lucasfilm just before the sale, and then again to Disney a few months later. They weren’t interested.
Freespace has aged superbly. It’s free, you just download it and plug in the most recent graphical updates and away you go. Plus tons of mods.
There’s a couple other reasons. Squadron 42 should be good (if it ever appears) and Elite: Dangerous is like £4 in the Steam Sale, which is reasonable. To honest I use my joystick mainly for replaying Freespace 2 (which is now free) and the old X-Wing games from GoG.
Yup. It was thought of ages ago, which is why the novels and the video games in the early 1990s came up with the idea of mass-locking and gravwells, to prevent ships jumping through one another.
Mass drivers! Or, to put it another way, something Babylon 5 came up with on-screen twenty years ago (I think it was done in books a lot earlier though).
Star Wars plays fast and loose with the laws of physics and I think people are extrapolating the idea that anything of any size hitting anything at the speed of light (or faster) is an incredibly bad idea. A fighter on autopilot might not destroy a big capital ship but it could blast a hole right through the engine…
Aliens studying human military history are probably wondering why we never used nukes again after WW2
The smallest ships we’ve seen with hyperdrives are the size of A-wings, so whilst drones wouldn’t work you can get pretty small.
Starkiller Base, being considerably larger and not hollow (since it was a converted planet), should also have generated a considerably gravity well, but that didn’t stop the Falcon coming out of hyperspace almost at ground level.
Apparently it will adapt the books but I suspect some visual elements from the games will seep through, as one of the producers who worked on the games is very closely involved in this project.
Unfortunately, addressing the single-player issue seems to involve either turning every single came into open world Ubi-ups or simply giving up and letting the indie/crowdfunded scene dominate that space.
Fair point. My memory in that area was faulty.
I believe the first-ever D&D novel Quag Keep was also written by a woman, in that case the mighty Andre Norton.
The most constant saying I’ve heard about Shadowrun over the years has been “A fantastic setting looking for a good ruleset”. I’ve played a few games and the rules have always felt far too bloated and over-complex for what the game is trying to accomplish.
The official word is that Cataclysm will never be remastered. They don’t have the original source code and don’t believe a total remaster from scratch (which would be very complex, as the HW2 engine is not built to do some of the stuff Cataclysm did) would be worthwhile.
The game is far easier to pick up and learn than Arkham Horror, I feel.
The game is far easier to pick up and learn than Arkham Horror, I feel.