Floating Adam West

I’m sorry, but you might want to consider what it means that you apparently are “ignorant” (your own words) about what the KKK stands for, why these people think the way they do and what they think without the aid of an A&E Documentary. You may also wish to consider that some of us are in fact not ignorant about these

My problem with this program isn’t so much that it gives a platform to racists, but that it creates a straw man where people begin to believe that the KKK or the National Alliance are the most dangerous organizations in the US.

Have you ever dated someone who was awful to be with? Just selfish and inconsiderate, made you miserable? Yet suddenly after you dump that someone they suddenly become sweet and thoughtful, so you agree to take them back? Only then they revert to being the same old asshole?

*shoots self in chest*

I just... I’m so glad this got cancelled, but it should never have been done in the first place, because giving platforms to nazis is BAD. Not because paying them is bad, of course paying them is bad, but it should NEVER HAVE BEEN DONE IN THE FIRST PLACE!

He had his hands inside the receiving box?

Rumor has it he got his phone number changed to 867-5309.

Lada good it did him.

looked a little more Blues Brothers than Jason Bourne

Holy cow! He was really Russian through that airport!

Then a high-ranking Rebel officer orders him to assassinate Jyn’s father Galen, even though the complete destruction of Jedha City is all the proof they need that Galen’s work is done and the Death Star is up and running—killing him will achieve nothing.

Really? You walked out feeling like you didn’t get your money’s worth? Exactly how high were your expectations if the simple price of a movie ticket wasn’t validated for you?

Frankly, the move away from Jedi/Republic = good, Sith/Empire = Bad, is the best thing that came out of Rogue One. Seeing the Rebels be selfish dicks, and seeing heroes working to topple the Empire from within is what made the movie, really.

Jenny: But I'm so confused. Am I wrong for wanting these things?

I have seen much worse, in terms of the scope and dollar amount of what they want.

So what? Who knows what her family situation is like, maybe she's got a shit ton of relatives who want to give her gifts. I was expecting to see a Tesla and multiple Macbooks and 13 iPads on this thing the way it was hyped.

Seriously, this isn't even remotely bad. Lots of items on the list, but I'd rather someone give me a list with 20 things where I can pick something than 2 things that are unaffordable or unavailable. I read the list, and didn't want to punch anything. I even salute her good taste for realizing that North Face is