Blacula Goldstein

These points are NOT tough to argue with. Being in a James Gunn movie is preferable to being in a Zach Snyder movie. THAT is tough to argue with.

And Aunt Lydia will be crying “No Janine!” and change her ways because of Janine’s death 

Surely you’re taking comedy too seriously.  

love the flex of making a totally brutal burn that literally five people on the planet will understand without google

I think you’ve confused “comedy” with “accountability journalism.”

Are you trying to impress your 10th grade English teacher?

It’s funny how Studio 60, incredibly (and not positively, in my opinion), has started to look almost prescient for what a vocal segment of the SNL audience seems to want from comedy in this era—more about a self-important echoing of the “right” politics than something that actually makes them laugh.

oh SICK burn

note:  comedy is not “about” any of those things.

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Damn I’d love to justify my love for Airplane! and to describe it as a tool to “comfort the afflicted and afflict the comforted”, but the sad truth is that I laugh at dumb shit.

I don’t think comedy has ever been that. Instead it’s about what’s funny.

“Elon Musk theoretically creates things, but the idea of forming a fandom-style attachment to a guy whose primary accomplishment has been amassing wealth is, if not new, certainly exacerbated by internet platforms.”

Is it not more likely that Musk has been booked in order to generate articles like this one. Which in turn makes people who don’t watch SNL every week tune into see if Musk falls on his ass. Or encourage members of his cult to watch it so they can defend him. I’m pretty sure at this stage Lorne Michaels knows what

It is imperative that Finn Wittrock sports a ginger bowlcut to fully convey the essence of Guy Gardner.

I see your point but this is the internet journalism so the Tweets are really important.

I thought season 2 worked best when Annie was simply an observer such as the wedding episode and the women’s convention, that’s where I find the show shines the most. And we see a lot of Annie’s own biases get challenged in a relatable way that allows room to finally let her character grow. Hoping for more of that!

Just another he said/she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said situation.

“What’s ur favourite thing about the sex you’re attracted too? (My PR answer would B everything about a woman) But #CantLie VaJayJay all day“

Marvel has so far refused to openly embrace that interpretation of its characters.”