Blacula Goldstein

The two presumed leads are the biggest problems, for me. Both Chris Rock and Jason Schwartzman are woefully miscast in their roles and they’ve made both characters completely uninteresting. The rest of the cast and characters are fantastic, so these two just suck the life out of the show whenever they appear on screen.

It’s kind of the same as when everyone gave Migos a pass for homophobia. It’s hard to virtue signal out of both sides or you mouth.

It’s like AV Club celebrates Festivus year round, but only participates in the airing of grievances.

So, getting mad at this is stupid but getting mad at a witch missing two fingers is justified. Never change, AV Club.

This will happen to recognitions eventually.

The Business of Selling White Women the Righteousness of Their Own Anger”

You have to get off the ride. I did this same kind of hate watching with Walking Dead for a long time. Watch it every Sunday. Bitch about it every Monday. At some point you need to just accept that the show is never going to be what you want it to be and stop watching it just so you can complain.

Kids are uneducated and irrational. You teach kids that the movie isn’t saying these things about them and they should feel good about themselves. You don’t confirm that they’re victims and society bullied them.

Woman beater Depp gone. Now you just have transphobe Rowling, woman beater Ezra Miller (unless that’s been debunked and I missed it) and racist Asian characters. Maybe just fuck these movies.

Take out the daughter character and we’re talking C-/D+. I mean, I LOLed, but it was pretty tired without her.

I’ve never watched it, but I’m not into musicals. I think some people just fawn over it because it’s a thing they think they have to do, but I also know a lot of people who absolutely adore it whose tastes I trust and know they wouldn’t say it if they didn’t mean it.

Are people still doing this “Lana Del Rey is a fake” hipster shtick from 2011? Good lord, move on already. 

Everything is offensive to someone. Burn down Twitter and maybe it’ll stop.

We also have to hear from the brain dead wing of liberals who just regurgitate talking points instead of ever daring to criticize their own party, admit fault or try to make things better. Oh, never mind. You just spoke.

What does this have to do with Snipes? Whataboutism is just as stupid and childish from the left as it is from the right.

The sovereign citizen thing is hilarious and scary at the same time. My brother is into that shit. I call him the Hotep Proud Boy. He doesn’t find me funny.

There’s a lot of the long time cast members that need to leave at this point. Kate McKinnon, Beck Bennet, Kyle Mooney, Pete Davidson and Mikey Day all take up too much time every week and all just play every character exactly the same. There’s a lot of talented cast members who hardly get to be on the show while these

You’re not supposed to think or be balanced or say the truth out loud. Just screech for your tribe and never admit to any wrong doing. I’m sure our smug bubble won’t blow up in our faces again.

The awful fights on set between him and director Stephen Norrington also convinced Norrington to never direct again. That must have been a really pleasant film to work on.

Thanks for losing me $20. I had bet that the first dipshit to post this was going to be recognitions.