
Amen. No self-respecting Knicks player or fan will ever be a Mourning person.

When it stops being awesome, so, never.

Sort of makes you ask yourself what that kind of stat is actually good for?

It’s funny when “not as you’d expect” is exactly what I expected.

Hey, personal preference. I just like how solid he feels, while this new Resurgence one looks just bizzare.

Having Superman be shorter than Jimmy Olsen somehow doesn’t sit right with me.

No. Legendary’s Godzilla is the best Godzilla.

Is it wrong that I like Legendary’s design better? I just think it feels much better built. For example, both it and the resurgence Godzilla have bigger legs (which goes with the square cube law) but the Legendary one looks less puffy. I could go into more detail, but I digress.

Could’ve been worse.

Clearly not a fan of his teammates having a ball.

Um, did you order the code red?

Yea, the headline is a bit illiteracy.

Nice headline, there, guys. Or maybe I should say: “You Guys Need a difference headline.”

Because you have a poor sense for telling what scenes are CGI and what aren’t?

Jeffery left off the axe incident, that’s my go-to Jaguars memory.

I guess I just don’t understand why this WYTS article has words, and isn’t just this:

So Wikileaks was cool when they’re taking down Bush and the Republicans, but when they do the same to Clinton and the Democrats they’ve hit rock bottom?

No offense intended to the actor, but this kind of feels like when your mom goes to the store and brings back Cheese Nips instead of Cheez-Its....

you are a terrible person.

What are the odds he takes a shortcut and becomes a policeman?