Adam F. Goldberg

My mom is a scrapbooking pro and no one can rival her awesomeness. She was critical when my Dad actually tried it, which was crappy, but hey, that's Bev for ya. And our prop master made that book which was so funny we wrote a whole scene around it. Guy deserves props! See what I did there? I'm fired, aren't I?

Sorry, H. That was all real. Guess it's fate I lived in the town that the show was filmed in… and Handsome Ben was my one sided handsome rival.

Oh man! Thanks for rooting. Reality is, my show isn't destined for awards. All I care about is that we weren't cancelled after 5 episodes and still frankly can't believe it's still on. This is all I care about… keeping this ship going!

Barry made me write this episode. And I mean — MADE ME. I warned him that I should never write dialogue involving football. The good news is he called me immediately after the episode and said I ruined it by writing about 2 point conversions and something about Bradshaw? I don't know. Point is, feet ball.

I completely disagree with this, Isaac. Adam, or I guess… me? Considered himself a savvy kid who could play the Hollywood game to impress big shot producers. Or — at the time — at least I thought that's what they were. Adam knew he'd never have a chance to beat Handsome Ben. What does Hollywood love? A cute

In reality, they set up some obstacle course type things in the gym. Nothing tricked out like we did. I wanted giant waffles and to do the twisty slide and hamster wheel. I'm a nerd living out his childhood. It's sad.

Yep. Emmy Mirsky trumps 1980something. Having our song play in that moment may be my favorite moment in the series.

Yes! I've been late! I'm writing/producing my new ABC show and it shoots in Vancouver which makes things way to chaotic. But ask away!!!

It was so fun watching them meet the kids playing them. Surreal as hell!.

Double Dare over Remote Control all the way!

That's exactly — literally — what I was going for!!! Nice.

I went downtown to Philly with my class. Scott Baio was actually there. It was such a cluster*ck that we never even could get close to see him.

As the Adam authority… cause I'm, like, him… I can answer. My friends and I taped episodes of shows and traded them. Why? Cause we were nerds. So Adam called his network of friends and got what he needed. I had every Cheers and Alf episode. My claim to fame!

That's nuts. My Dad was waaaay too lazy to explain advice.

You're the first person to notices 1780 something! Loud Family was how so many reviews first talked about the show btw. And they're right.

I can safely say there is never ever EVER a world where Adam and Emmy end up together. Ever. She's like my sister to this day.

Cut Will some slack! No one is later to this page than me this week.

I had to do that for reasons I can't even explain right now, it's so absurd. Let's just said — he said yes. And lawyers were STILL afraid.

Bradley Cooper did grow up in Jenkintown the same exact time as me. And he's actually a character in the show. He was such good sport. He runs in the rival gang of The JTP — the meadow brook mafia!

Good! Glad you liked that!