Adam F. Goldberg

I have much more attachment towards the Middle than the Goldbergs.

Disagree with that. I think this season has been dead on. Although I'd rank my Halloween episode this week above last week's Mustache episode — but Will thought the opposite!

Much like Chuck Norris, Barry doesn't need any advice. Advice needs him.

The real bummer of it all is that I wrote a Thriller episode that we prepped and built everything for and then legally couldn't get it cleared. This was written in a few days which is why I had to go to a very familiar well just go get something on the air. Also why I didn't have the time to get the correct AVP from

You listened to me ramble on about nonsense for an hour on that podcast! Well done!

Dammit. It's true. Hit the lottery getting her. For real.

This is the real genius of The Middle. They've done SO many episodes and it's still great. HOW???????????????????

I got Chuck Norris to say douche nozzle. Reality has collapsed in on itself.

This is the only thing I've ever gotten in my life that is first place. Screw you 7th grade!!!

Thanks! We cut and Adam runner — and actually every 7 episodes we cut him back to shoot scenes from the past episodes we couldn't get to his hours. Little peek behind the curtain…

We went to him as a why not kinda thing knowing he'd say no. And for some crazy reason… he said yes??

Chuck Norris doesn't write letters. Letters write themselves for him.


ABC called and said can you ditch whatever tag you have and do a BTTF one. I said it's the Chuck Norris tag and Chuck Norris gets bumped for no one. They quickly agreed.

MY GOD!!! How did we miss that!?!?! AHHHHH! Never occurred to me until you mentioned it now.

Boy George all the way. And honestly, Troy looked really good dressed up like him.

Love a good anime Gorg — but it's released now. Does it not matter??? I ran into this when I was gonna show a reAction terminator made to look vintage but then thought I'd get called out. Thoughts?

The episode ran crazy long — there was a runner where the mustache intimidated Adam. He thought his dad looked like a cop and Murray enjoyed the respect. It just had to go for time… but I'll try to stick it on the DVDs,

Crazy thing is Wheel of Fortune films on this lot and one of the producers walked it into my office and said — you don't have to clear this legally. Use it. I remembered it too so wrote it in within minutes.

It IS "Death of a Salesmat" — because he's not a salesmat salesman.