I knew I should've picked March of the Falsettos.
I knew I should've picked March of the Falsettos.
I think it'll depend on the episode. Really some stories are HUGE 80s nods and I try to pair it with another story that's not just because I don't want to seem like I'm piling on.
I only realized their names weren't actually Milli and Vanilli until a few years ago!
I love this comment. I've been warned many many times that the word "fart" is ugly and cheap and makes your show less classy. I was so nervous to use it — like way more nervous than when Bev uses an F bomb.
Geoff Schwartz is a real guy. And he made sure it was spelled correctly. And FYI — Booberly was something Wendi improvised. She's a genius!!!
Dang. Larry D is doing a deep callback 24 eps ago! Kudos!
My take away here is that Mr. McPickleshitter has a fiancé. Congrats, JP!
I had NO idea. I thought it was about toy soldiers who try to march in unison, but because they are toys, they fall down. For real.
Who are you, McPickleshitter? You fascinate me.
I was bummed when Marry Me got canceled cause I thought it was so funny and getting better and better… but the moment he was avail I scooped him back up.
You win this message board. Congrats.
Oh man. It isn't Dutch at all is it??? Hahahaha. I suck.
That's amazing. I told the writers about the Captain Crunch whistle and they looked at me like I was an insane man and told me if I included it in the show, all of America would bail.
Nope. That's the real thing. It's different every week. Bonkers!
You are very kind Lawrence… I am insanely hard on myself and struggled to get this one into shape. The next 2 were so easy to do and just clicked, but this one was tough for me cause frankly… if I threw a kick-ass Risky Business party in high school Im not sure anyone would've showed up. Hm. Maybe that should've…
ABC wasn't happy about the WTF line. Even with the bleep on it!
The crazy thing is Sean is SIXTEEN. The fact I got 2 years of that little squeaky voiced kid was nuts. But it opened a whole new vault of stories I can do now which are very painful and funny. To quite Bubba below, puberty hit me so hard, then backed up over me and hit me again. I sat down Sean and said I'm going…
Because no girls at school ever liked me, I'd always go to camp where you could have a clean slate and then I could actually get a girlfriend. Then I'd fall in love and we'd leave and I'd spent the whole year talking on the phone and destroying my Dad with giant phone bills.
Aw man! Thanks for the nice words. Glad you liked this one, but the next 2 are return to what we do best in my opinion. ABC needed a big episode to promote… so I did this. But I think next week rivals our best eps we've ever done cause it's just so painfully funny to watch Sean suffer through that new voice. He…
If you're gonna use the Freaks & Geeks did it line… then I should stop writing cause guilty.