adam farrar

A freelancer, no less!

And Steve Ditko.
And the writers and artists whose wages were kept artificially low after Lee and DC's Carmine Infantino agreed to share information about how freelancer's rates.

I hope they make a sequel that is a crossover with Safe House. Ryan Reynold plays both of his characters, who turn out to be brothers, and, once again, they have to protect their clients: dangerous criminals played by older respected African American actors. Only there's a wacky mixup and they're protecting the wrong

Eminem spoke to it on his third album:
"I am the worst thing since Elvis Presley
To do black music so selfishly
And use it to get myself wealthy"

After Jon Hamm uses the Autobot Matrix of Leadership to destroy Unicron he's transformed into Hammimus Prime.

The guns would still be legal, but black men would be illegal.
…I mean, more than they already aren't.

He's good at injesting but he's got deficient tastebuds.

They like Mohammad Ali… except for everything he did outside of the boxing ring.

If someone could drill for oil in a bronze Robert E Lee, Trump would let them.

Nazis need statues to remember history because they burn their books.

I like Nixon's smile. "I'm still on the cover, baby! Deal with it!"

He also seems like a principled guy who stands up for what's right. Best Chris for that reason.

It was all part of a prank by Jian Yang.

Before the #liberals find a reason to deface, destroy or degrade these arcade games, I thought some of you might like to play it one more time…

scrappybilly, you disgust me.

Yesterday, the CEO of Johnson & Johnson said he would stay in because he could do more that way. Today, moments after Trump announced it was disbanding the J&J CEO said he was leaving. Too late, hot plate.

I want '30s style where it's the cast and the author of the novel whose work is being adapted hanging out on the lot with the producer talking about what a smash the movie is going to be.

Do you want that mini trailer:
A) Right before the trailer in order to actually spoil the trailer and confuse you as to what exactly you're watching; or
B) A day or two before you see the real trailer because the studio thinks you're so eager for their product you'll do anything just for a few seconds of it and come

I've never read Mage but 1990s Wizard always told me I should. It was one of those indy books they always supported. I've just never gotten around to it. The fact that Wagner is finishing the trilogy makes me interested but I'll probably just read them all from the library at some point.

The Tune from The Lady Vanishes. You just hum it.