"I am Orcy. Please insert Orc."
"I am Orcy. Please insert Orc."
Of course you'll have a bad impression of Disenchantment if you only focus on the pimps and trolls.
Psst! The best shows are in the rump!
Yes, the Simpsons have come a long way since an old drunk made humans out of his rabbit characters to pay off his gambling debts.
I admire people playing around with these public domain superheroes and looking for new things to say with them. But also, if you're changing everything except the name and the look of the existing character, why not just make something your own. I understand that there might be some name recognition but just barely.…
Technician #1: We were able to save the left arm.
Morton: What? We agreed on total body prosthesis. Now lose the arm, ok?
Technician #1: Jesus, Morton.
Morton: Can he understand what I'm saying?
Technician #2: It doesn't matter. We're going to blank his memory, anyway.
Morton: Well I think we should lose the arm. What do…
Maybe they were boot blacks at Sea World. I hear it's a desirable occupation.
Barney: *lifts own wedding veil* I wouldn't marry you if you were the last man on Earth.
Ernest T. Bass: *blinks eyes, shakes head*
And what of Ski Free?
That's a dick-ish statement. "Trying to class the show up a little bit" "sue me"
And why is it "faxed?" The line at the end of the subject line makes it appear to be a screenshot of a document using some faux-fax font. The stated version is that the band's album's "social media strategist" faxed a document to the band…
Right. It's Joey's Butthole that makes it special!
He is wearing the matching hat…
It's that classic song by Crazy Town!
You had to win it, Mr. Jackpots.
And all those things were mainstream when they came out and still are. Since BTTF was released, has there been a weekend it hasn't aired on at least one tv channel? The problem is that some people base their identity on it and think that makes them unique or special.
"The only way to solve this puzzle is by remembering trivia about how the Reagans refused to support AIDS research or outreach!"
People didn't like this from the beginning. Just follow the "Ready Player One" tag on this site for the movie developments and right away you'll see comments about how empty it is.
John Paul Leon is the only reason I'm picking up this comic and I regret nothing.
Winning it would be Advantageous! to your career.