Adam Donnelly

It seems weird, but somebody recently brought up why PT Anderson isn't more racially & sexually diverse in his leads. My guess was that a writer shouldn't speak for a demographic that isn't their own, or doesn't feel comfortable doing so. Sounds like bullshit, I know, but sometimes you gotta wonder if you're going to

hahah yeap that'd do it for ya

I might be weird to say this, but every part this review mentions as "not working" is what made me most enjoy the episode outside of the Lane stuff. WTF IS WRONG (or right) WITH ME!?

yep! it also helps refute the "she might still be alive thing" if you watch the whole season hahah

I'm totally cool with Robin Thicke's camp being sued. Even though I like this song, it's INCREDIBLY plagiarized, so fuck you if you disagree

I'm just really, really, really happy that satan is failing this round


If you ask me, you're way too picky about grading this show

looks like The Coen Bros. & Tarantino teamed up for this one the more I watch it…AND THAT'S A-OK IN MY BOOK

it was silver, not oil.
otherwise totally agree with you.

I actually put The Master above TWBB. I think it's because I like relationships and how people affect each other moreso than following one dude around, although Punch-Drunk Love was…kinda that too….nevermind

I would REALLY like to see a Josh Holloway show that wasn't as trite or flat as "Intelligence". Although I dig the concept, such as with "Limitless", about BRAIN power being a major factor, I remember saying the first episode was going to end with his enemy "intelligent agent" awakening from a coma with her eye

"get out of my room, dad"

any 28 months later comparisons with perrineau?

how about the Ashley Angel's constantly moving eyebrows, CGI'd into place?

i don't have the football cameos because they've been in the show's DNA since early on. I mean, at least they came up with gags for them and don't just have them show up as if that in itself is what's so great.

NO! You are MORE

if it weren't for the horrible name, I'd like this video a lot more

I love that moment where instead of throwing a filter on everything the walls are painted red and their outfits are purely red. Never gonna see that in another movie.

"And so, burning old toys can, in fact, be a very liberating and therapeutic process."