Adam Donnelly

Man, I really DUG the 2099 series…well, not all of them, but their take on Ghostrider and a totally new faction of X-Men were just plain fun.

This sounds weird…but I actually like the MUSIC…the song? NO. Some of the textural and tonal decisions, Yes. But it ain't U2.

My favorite musical. It's about an asshole who gets the hot chick in glasses. Sounds like my life. But I'd rather see a middle school perform this than see the over-produced live version. Just not my cup o' tea.

band named after blink-182 b-side. No thanks.

*shrug* to read their thoughts on it

No mention of the obvious "2001" homage, guys?

I see it as the first time, and possibly best until recently, that CGI was used to create a reality that had not been seen on screen before. 5 years later, George Lucas overdid it, but here it was a magical introduction to what animation technology could do. I agree, there are other fun ones, but this movie blew me

No. Not better.

It took me a night of sleep, but I dug the Aaron Sorkin-esque ending!

then I suppose it would be a three-parter considering last week, no?
"Basic Meat"
"Basic Bread"
"Basic Sandwich"

Notice how Will can easily, and confidently, look people in the eye now. A simple but amazingly powerful trick.
Also, RIP Eddie Izzard being on the show!!!

poured out his *truck
heheh I just love that they made no references to bottles being trucks and yet there it was…just some cherry on top

True, that's an audience expectation I agree with, I just don't think the review clearly recognized what was being executed here

I'll take it!!!

Total Bechdel Test material from Sandler here I bet

Dude, the Hug and Laugh was a reference to how nearly EVERY G.I. Joe episode ended. I KNEW somebody wouldn't catch that!!!

NO!!!!!!! Not The Reel Geezer!!!!!!
Back in '08, Marcia & Lorenzo's movie reviews were my favorite, just because they didn't give a fuck, and they had insight…Rest In Peace, Lorenzo

exactly. loved it, man. expectations be damned here!

WHAT?! I remember him mostly as the parent who tried to get Artie kicked out of Wellsville from "The Adventures of Pete & Pete", but he's done so many other good roles, including (most recently) Carrie's dad on "Homeland" and he's always seemed so cool. He'll be missed.

I guess I'd have to watch it again…in which case you'd think they'd say "hey, we found her ear, but she's missing, and as much as the evidence points to Will having a consistent ritual for his murders, this one was oddly a little bit out of his wheelhouse"