Adam Donnelly

Q: Didn't James Franco play James Dean in a TV movie?


That's heartbreaking and wonderful at the same time. Go, Kevin!

they ended up paying for them. just detained her for doing something illegal my assumption it

This show's identity seems perfectly clear to me. The one who tries best to be in control, the Fixer, cannot fix his life. Ray is finding nothing but isolation in his powers, as noted by the cut between the hangout at Donovoan's Fite Club and Ray alone in his hotel room in Boston. He blames his horrible enabling

he's having the time of his life on that stage…i love the rawness. WTF does every damn wigger freak out if a man tries to go punk & crazy & whatnot after he's hit the big time? props to this mfer


She's a girl-next-door type AND she can act. She's a good foil for Emma Stone. I hope they don't recast her.

they practically played out the saying+famous person joke in the episode it was invented. I liked the "steve muldunna" and "greg ro…Heim" ones after that though. Both by annie who is bad at them. And yes, I agree, some things work like jokes, but aren't funny. a silly line does not = a good joke all the time. Even

Sully as Seth Rogen!

She was very good in "BOTSW", but I thought it was just because she fit the role for her age so well. I don't see her placing the world in awe with her performance skills as Annie.  That'd be like having Abigail Breslin star as Annie right after she did "Signs." There's an actress there, but it's not developed enough

I swear it looks like a Troma film!

I'm glad that Bill Watterson is so missed.  He isn't coming back to Calvin & Hobbes, though, and I'm actually very glad for that.  I'm almost ecstatic that he decided to keep his comic strip in our memories instead of watering it down or having it lose it's characters in a mish-mash of close-but-not-close-enough