
The shifter reminds me of this:

Every British English person knows that if a piece of dirt never had a Union Jack on it, it must be unexplored.

Hey, I’ve got an idea, lets splash some water on the ground near the fire! That’ll put it out!

This is what happens to a Mustang when it is made to do “high-performance” maneuvers near a crowd that it is not allowed run over/devour. It commits suicide because its population-culling purpose remains unfulfilled.

is that a pop funko security guard? adorable!

That’s the ‘right’ way to bribe your kid into college. Even the guy who did the scam with the celebrities admitted to it

He has exhibits everything I attribute to racists.

People like you are disappearing at a fast rate.

WANT the car, but not at that price, so a sad-trombone CP for this one.

Yeah, when I saw she was in her first year at a top MATH PhD program, I wondered about this...sounds like she was immensely talented, and it takes a very high achiever to accomplish what she did by the age of 23. PhD programs can really exacerbate existing mental health issues, especially in the first year, when

Oh that last quote. 😰😰😰

Such a loss, and so sad. From this SF Gate story, it seems like she was so good at so many things:

Probably revenge for the absurd US restrictions for people visiting from friendly countries.

Decreased trust in the US. 

Perfect time for me to debut my even worsely named series, SMILK.

Nice catch! I nice priced this before seeing your post. Having serious regrets....

Holy collision damage Batman!

“inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say, “We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage””

If the whole idea was to come up with the modern Charger’s fat ugly cousin, then mission accomplished!