Some things the Republican party needs if we would ever like to win another election.
Some things the Republican party needs if we would ever like to win another election.
The thing that is amazing at this point isn’t that he says stupid shit. It’s that he continues to say stupid shit and apparently can’t stop. It’s one thing if you are a racist/sexist ass hole. It’s another when you are racist/sexist ass hole who can not just SHUT THE FUCK UP.
After he said “bad hombres”, I made a bet with my wife that he would say the n-word before the debate was over. Well, it wasnt quite that, but still, jesus.
They’re from Alberta where a large percentage of the population actually works for a living. A quick look at her profile shows they at least would be hauling horses on the regular.
please, he’s one of the most genuine people in Washington. granted that’s a low bar, but he’d clear even the highest bars of that measure.
You sound hurt.
This is America. This is American politics. Moron checks all the boxes.
I live in Florida. The cops here are imaginary.
This is half as loud as a Jaguar F-Type, so there’s that.
Do you remember when Ted Cruz was spouting off about carpet bombing (which verse was that in the Bible? I can’t remember) and Obama went on the record saying essentially “That is a literal war crime. We are bombing as much as intelligence allows.”
Man, fuck being President. According to Trump, if you’re Secretary of State you’re basically in God Mode and can shape world politics to your whim, Hillary was just lazy.
Have you considered a career in sexual lubricants? People will always need that!
I was once given some sage advice on the internet and I will now share it with you, and I quote:
Meanwhile I’m four years into getting a Petroleum Degree and I entered the major right after the launch of the Model S pretty much.
..........If someone doesn’t replace that shiggidy with a machine gun, I will be sorely disappointed.
Does it matter? I’m still not voting for either of them.
Currently on eBay.