
Death Chains is much better for two major reasons:

1) It can spawn on any Epic-tier weapon, whereas Moaning Winds only comes on a SINGLE Legendary shotgun, which means you almost certainly won’t get it before the endgame.

2) Moaning Winds creates a blast around you, and only when you reload.  So it doesn’t do

Whoa okay, okay. PCF is Polish, MVP comment, Pollacks really making a splash in gaming lately!

That is a pretty fair comment about a lot of the endgame armour yeah lol.

I’ve not completed the campaign yet, I think I’m around half way, but it did strike me recently after I accumulated my fourth or fifth follower that they seemed to be trying to instill in me the kind of love for a rag tag group of companions that Mass Effect 2 has. Except I can’t remember any of their names except for

I always thought of all of the deaths, especially at the beginning, as a way of setting your expectations for things to come. As in, “This is what existence is like on Enoch”.

Doing the math, 430,000 of the original colonists have died at this point, which translated to an average of 38 people per day since landing

The writing in Outriders is so bad. The low quality of writing (particularly dialog) in games is a bit of chicken and egg to me. Do so few people who play shooters also read actual (not genre, although even most non-self-published genre isn’t this clunky) The bar seems so very very low, and I can’t tell if it’s

There is an exploration of that as it shows every human always being the biggest selfish asshole during times of existential crisis. While it may not be nuanced it definitely rings true after this past year.

That’s where my irritation comes from though. The game is chock full of those kinds of moments, but it doesn’t seem to understand how to execute any of them. Half are seemingly played for drama, or as some kind of punctuation to a point it thinks it has made...but they come off as slapstick or a subversion of

The game's entire message is that of a nihilistic, "humanity fucking sucks!" They aren't interested in making any of the characters (save the members of your team) interesting.

So, here’s what gets me.

I wouldn’t call it stupid, I’d just call it a hamfisted attempt at moralizing on the nature of war.

Case in point, and spoiler alert for anyone who didn’t complete the Rift Town map:
In the Terra Infirma mission, you are sent to rescue some guy who got trapped underground after an explosion. The guy was saved by an

This doesn’t apply to only the UAW, I think it applies to most unions.  But sure, unions are great *rolls eyes*

The 1st run is tedious, the 2nd run is a somehow more tedious retread of the 1st, the 3rd run is considered “the true game”, and by that point, I was too tired of the game to care.

Not at all. They cut the main story in 3 big part they called path a/b/c. When you reach the end of the first part the game barely start to be good and you will feel confused. Keep going and you reach the true ending at the end of part C. That’s a shitty way to do a game imo. So whenever you read you have to beat it

Yeah now I can finally buy and play it. Since I missed the boat hard.

I know I have to beat it something like 15 plus times, and they’re not whole playthroughs, but otherwise I’m in the dark and want to remain so. 

Ooof. Yeahhh. Many, many years too late. I retired the game half way through route C

You missed out. It’s rough, but there’s an at-least-interesting, if not actually kinda good, story in there. It’s full-on b-movie style shlock in terms of presentation (lotsa rough edges, weird dialogue, etc.) - but so what? That can be fun sometimes too.

For some reason, I don’t think you’re going to get a response from the author here...

It’s pretty shocking that something that’sinherently good” would require a federal prosecutor to appoint an oversight official following years of corruption.

It’s a common problem in sales, and choices in general.