
Except the stock price is divorced from company performance at this point. This has taken on a new life and become a cultural phenomena. As long as people keep buying the price will rise. It’s just a matter of selling before everyone else does and taking your profit before it falls to earth eventually. Financial

Not out to start an argument but I have to disagree with two things. Brake fluid and shocks. Both are absolutely critical safety issues. Water in brake fluid will boil and result in loss of pressure to the pads. If shocks are badly worn, the tyres won’t follow imperfections in the road, they will bounce over them

I personally believe we need to regulate markets a lot more, we need to tax them a lot more.

it’s funny to me, because the shop my company brings the work vehicles to, i always specifically tell them, “ok, i’m bringing this vehicle in for only an oil change, but then it’s on the road every day ridden hard, and put away wet for the next 5,000-7,000 miles. i’d appreciate it if you look over it and make sure

I suspect that if you looked into it further you’d basically arrive at the same conclusion, if that’s any consolation. I’m not trying to pretend I’m an expert, but I’ve read a few books about the stock market (about high frequency trading and the ‘08 crash, in particular). It starts off feeling like some kind of

I got in late so I only have 3 shares @ $311, but at this rate, I’m kinda ok regardless what happens? Just watching everything happening because fuckin’ Gamestop stock of all things is *fascinating* to me. Might as well hold on and see where this train goes at this point.

I’m so confused about this entire thing. Everytime i read about shorting stocks it just feels like that should Not Be A Thing or an Illegal Thing, and I kind of want to be gleeful that a bunch of Rich Greedy Assholes got too greedy and ended up getting caught with their asses hanging out.

No, your battery catches fire

Yeah as long as it doesn’t end the round, because the meter doesn’t carry over to the next one. If you’re just styling on your opponent and not taking damage it shouldn’t be a problem, but I think it sucks more to be in a fight where you’re both getting offense in but you’re clearly ahead, they’re near dead and you

I do agree with your sentiment, and I don’t think it’s inherently bad to give some buffs to the underdog in a fight, but I think one reason it kinda irks people is because it often forces you to adjust to an arbitrary game mechanic rather than your opponent. People want to fight their opponent rather the game itself.

you explained it yourself , due to a poorly timed jump-in”. why is your poor timing being punished BS? You could say the punishment is too severe, i’ll grant you that. But you’re aware you’ve back player2 into a corner, and you need to adjust strategy to take that into account.

I don’t play fighters, but I do play competitive games and the best advice I can give you is to get over it. There are plenty of times where you “should” win but end up choking. Maybe other person employed a “cheap” strat that you just didn’t have the skill to beat, or maybe they just got lucky. That’s just how it

they miraculously connect with a well-timed ultra and follow-up with a gnarly punish and you lose”

Once I get vaccinated, will I be able to communicate directly to a Tesla through my chip, or does that only work for Microsoft devices?

It’s the fool-me-once/fool-me-twice mentality. Concerned Ape didn’t drop a maliciously overhyped, steaming pile of barely functional shit built on the sweat and tears of overworked developers on your doorstep for $70. CDPR did.

So, any news on what bug they replaced it with?

Yo dawg, we heard you like patches that fix glitches, so we made a patch that created a glitch so we can create a patch that fixes a glitch made by our patch.

I was all prepared to give this clown shoe the benefit of the doubt. I countered the “another guy’s project” response with the fact that the tuning shop used this rig as a calling card.

Like what? If you don't give us the information it's like saying nothing. 

That little sentence that just says “Name of device ironic.” Slays me every time I see it.