
So it is You that tells me you want someone Ford poached from McDonalds corner restaurant to run production on machines we build the next day.
Fuck you. Just pay your employees a living wage that doesn’t compete with what McDonalds pays and train them instead of having me idiot proof industrial machines while you keep


Someone bought Chinese Ecosport while wanting to Make Attorneys Get Attorneys, no wait... Make America Great, by putting political slogans on  foreign made car.

Yes, because it has brake lights and a license plate holder

Was that before or after Hyundai found out that every 4 cylinder engine without turbo they made since like 2009 will need to be replaced under warranty?

It is not the speed with which you move gear lever that overrevs engine. It is vehicle speed that it is too fast for gear downshifted into that causes damage.

I thought in America we measured distance in minutes and hours, not some yards. This is not Scotland

While Ford employees are telling us “America 1st” they won’t sell Focus wagons to Americans. We only get their trucks meant for farming and mexican Mustang Mockery

Tesla software sucks. It constantly needs to be updated via recalls. None of software in Tesla is stable, release version 1.0.

Probably not. Since they have regenerative braking, limited by how much electric motor can turn motion into current to charge batteries, I bet manufacturers install smaller discs, calipers and pads that can even turn less motion into heat before overheating since EV crowd thinks turning motion into heat when braking

Does your car have a tank big enough to make worth driving 70 miles to make save $0.55/gallon?

my VW GTI laser cruise control presses brake pedal to slow down, and pedal triggers brake lights

That is how parking works at White Sox games

Merry, kill, intercourse.

Too bad.

Review of air?

I pay $350/month for internet (mobile and home). It isnt free and Bradley needs to step up if I am going to keep paying that

The beggars on the corner on the way home can use some toothpaste and water

Not really my problem. My problem is letting me take delivery of broken, with open recall, vehicle, paying for it and taking it home

Not really my problem. My problem is letting me take delivery of broken, with open recall, vehicle, paying for it and taking it home.