
You can pay for VPN so you can torrent that

If you still pay for Live Gold or Netflix or Prime or gym but won’t pay rent/mortgage/electric/gaS/phone you are an idiot.

The workaround is to wait till it is finished and buy for a $1 from bargain bin at Target/Walmart

Car has to have a fuel tank like a perfect cube or rectangle without weird shapes like a saddle fuel tank does so guage can be very linear from empty to full. Basically if fuel tank is 10" tall and you fill 1" of fuel at the time, the volume would be the same for every inch.

It is wierd because crappy Audis are called M-sport when they get wheels and bumpers from their fast cars, but not the fast bits.

V1.0 Alpha was $60

V1.0 Alpha was $60

DO you have to do all side quests for 100% completion in Chapter 3 or can you go back to it later if you progress past Chapter 3?

Except all of them are sold out everywhere. They don’t need more reasons than that to make SeriesX

Nobody misses shitty PS exclusive games.

Yup.  The patches are bigger downloads than the game itself.

Wait, there is 2 something-hawks Grand cherokees? What is the difference?

Yes, they do. THat turbo hybrid Wrangler sounds perfect for my top less commute and I am already getting 19 MPG in 3.6L V6 Wrangler on 33" all terrain tires

LOL at thinking German luxury car, especially VW, will last that long.

All Marketplace ads have contact info right there!

Evo is a Lancer with AWD and harsh ride.

You can’t even log in to Live half the time anyway. WTF?

Must be nice not to have to be back at work in 7 days and spend 3 days driving 1 way to your destination.

It isn’t. I spent 3 years shopping for home before I found one I could afford. All I looked for was taxes and price to fit my budget. Location was nowhere near top of the list, and if it was I would not look for home near work as I changed jobs more often than moved.

WHen my friend was smuggling in the 90s they would just drive thru the border without slowing down. 1st car would take the border gate out and rest would follow. Radios didn’t get them. Ex soviet union border/cop cars were slower than their diesel BMW or VWs.