
Tell them to pick up booster seat, sit down and hold it.

I wish it would have an option to clean up games that left GamePass. I downloaded all of them in the hotel

Instead of demo blocking access to “large part of the game” demo should not include “large part of the game” they don’t want you to access. It will also make it a demo sized download instead of 60GB demos

You just perfectly described Cyberpunk 2077, but they want $60 for that

But where can I get X box series X to play it in the 1st place?

But people already paid for Beta. WHy would you waste more time verifying things that are paid for already?

Even since 1080p HD TV came out PS3 was saying that it can do 1080p at 30FPS and 60FPS at 720p. Sometimes even 30 FPS at 720p.

How George didn’t fit in Mercedes?

I’m sure he isn’t driving on cruise control to keep constant velocity.

I know! How can you even be expected to walk from rear door to trunk to put booster seat away? Nobody has time or energy for that! Such pain!

THey can’t use real currency because then it is way to easy to figure out a $300 iPod is $800

I see what you are saying but these guys go for “realism” and that includes bill boards and crowd. Grant Turismo 5 on PS3 had flat/2d/sprites for spectators and they looked bad.

Where is the video showing that plane touching the trees?

Same thing happened with Trump breaking all the rules. Nobody enforces them because he is a celebrity and popular, like this half assed game

That is exactly how my dad’s 2014 Rav4 is. Leaps off the line at part throttle but doesn’t do much more when floored.

If it is new sticker will show what it is. If it is old check glove box for manual or look at the badges. You won’t take a short walk to see what it is to do your job besides copy/paste? You still need to see the VIN to run VIN decoder LOL

Great idea! It looks solid even though I was looking at smaller cars than G8 or my old Lincoln LS.

So I can be on stand by to help people move and shop? No thanks!

Bringing domestics to work gets me brown points with the owner as Toyota never bought a machine from us.

It is thousands more than any other VW SUV though.