
lol stay salty

LMAO love when the tables are turned.

-$70 games
-Sony also being big on cross gen (horizon and miles on both ps4 and ps5, but you had to find out on the blog)
-The console exclusives are actually timed exclusives
-ps collection is inferior knockoff of GamePass.
-no further clarification of backwards compatibility

-$70 games
-Sony also being big on cross gen (horizon and miles on both ps4 and ps5, but you had to find out on the blog)
-The console exclusives are actually timed exclusives
-ps collection is inferior knockoff of GamePass.
-no further clarification of backwards compatibility


Good.  ACAB is stupid.

No one who buys an S will care, this is a non-issue and concern trolling of the highest order lol.

lol just wait till you see a ps5, its fucking huge.

You’re just an idiot then, lol.

Got woke, went broke.  Main kotaku is next......


LMAO hahah

LMAO good.

Stupid cunts, lol.

lol both sides playing professional victim as always. 

lol so what?


That looked amazing wow!  Day 1

These moron protestors are YOUR people, SJWs lol.