
I guess this isnt a problem on Xbox One since Xbox has cloud saves.

Wait till the idiots at this site hear what Marx thought of gays!

Well this comment certainly didn’t age well, lol.

Schreier has always been such a tool.

Its ok for black people to have conservative views. In fact its funny hoe blacks are often mostly conservative on many things. The only thing they seem to be largely liberal on is obviously identity politics.

ps4 loses another exclusive haha

There’s plenty of women in games.  Both as characters, and real people covering/developing games.  The diversity problem is that there’s virtually ZERO conservative/right wing perspectives represented in games media like this site.  Fix that. 

Too bad for sony fans.  Xbox is the only conference im really looking forward to anyway.

How to be a good person in general: Live your life, mind your business, be nice, dont hurt others, support yourself/family, dont feel the need to dedicate your life to anyone else’s cause bc you’re worried you’ll be labeled a “racist/bigot”. You’re not bad bc of the color of your skin (black or white or whatever), you

Garbage article i’d expect from this site. 

Respect yourself, stop playing the victim, & focus on the games you love - not the bullshit. Games > Identity politics.

Its just called “Xbox”.  Series X is the SKU.  Series S will be announced as the “Lockhart” version.

This article is so stupid and unnecessary

I think the new console is just called “Xbox” and the “Series” is just the version of it, so for example the “series X” will be the premium most powerful “anaconda” version (like the xbox one x), and the “series S” will be the “lockhart” less powerful slim version (like the xbox one S). Name makes a lot more

amazing, day 0!!!

fucking awesome, that thing is gonna be very powerful wow

HeS a MinoRItY s0 hEs INnocENt!!!1111 Di3 ev1L whItE peEple gRRrr!!11111

its the only good reality show. you clearly havent watched it at all for a long time.

They weren’t cancelled by regular people who actually matter.  lol cancel culture is a joke and always fails.  Just look at the idiots who tried to “cancel” Dave Chappelle bahaha

Cancel culture is trash. Just like this shit site.