
Man the far left is so pathetic sometimes. They only get mad when someone on “their side” gets punished for profiling. Otherwise they call for people being fired if they were to do the same to a Clinton supporter or something. Double standard....but theyre so arrogantly self righteous they dont even see the hypocrisy,

lol you’re a fucking angry idiot.

“Goaded” lol. Sounds like he’s just living his life and you’re being angry and offended by his mere existence. Sad.

Very sad that people will boil other’s entire character as a human being down to something so one-dimensional. The far extremists on both sides are cancer and deserve each other.

The far left is just as bad. Neither side will talk to each other, they just demonize each other. Very tribal indeed, and it hurts the discourse.

The judge hugging her was definitely unprofessional imo, but man I just love that it pissed off this site lmao.

It aint about you, buy you’ll sure as hell keep writing lengthy articles to make it all about you as much as possible lol. Get over it crybaby, ffs.

Progressive racism is real and should be called out. Morons here are incapable or criticizing their own, so sad and pathetic. She acted like a cunt.

lol I knew morons would get triggered by this, fuck off.

Glad the brother and judge are better people than the miserable fucks on this site. 

Well people here only wanted vengeance, not justice. Anything less than death-by-slow-torture wouldve been seen as getting away with white privilege blah blah. You’re all like the kid whos been bullied in school and instead of wanting to get even takes it too far and wants to bring a gin to school and murder everyone.

Of course this site would twist this into bitterness. Its HIS brother who was killed he can forgive if he feels that it will help him move on instead of living life as bitter, angry, hateful, and miserable as some other people. Amusing how some here think they have more of a right to forgive/not-forgive than he does.

Love how that’s the only thing you took away from the comment lol

Funny how you only reconsider after getting the ruling you wanted. Im sure if Guyger was acquitted you’d still be wishing death on the Judge. Judge did the right thing the entire time, sad how you only see it that way after the fact.  She knows her job better than you do from “law and order” school.

Well I guess “accusation” was indeed the correct word to use before. Lmao at the people who called for the boys’ heads and are now defending this liar. Shes just given another reason to not believe victims of actual crimes.

Well if the left still cant get over losing in 2016, I suppose its only fair for the right to still dwell on the past as well.

Everyone in the world should be able to just come into the US unchecked and live here for free forever and never pay taxes. Because fuck the citizens who already live here and pay into the system, right? They’re probably all middle class rich evil white males who love Hitler and never had a single bad thing happen to

Its a conspiracy I tell ya!!!111

LOL this is so fucking stupid. The trolls at 4chat have officially won, imagine how much theyre laughing their asses off right now at how much traction their internet prank has gained. Lets not let the vast minority of people dictate the rules that the rest must follow ffs. Now anyone who inadvertently makes the OK

pfft, fuck valve.  they care so little it took them fucking 5 years to fix this one little glitch.