
good, fuck sony lol. xbox/switch ftw

boo that sucks

The real absolute thing to take away from all of this, is that even someone like CliffyB, with all his game-industry-pedigree and money, still couldn’t succeed and that the game industry can be a hard business for any company, big or small. Feel sorry for the BKP staff, but not so much for Cliff himself, who is

well that didnt take long lol.

Halo WC is insane!!!

Halo WCS is lit

lol Lawbreakers flopping must have hit boss key pretty hard, this looks like crap.

game is a blast, screw the try-hard haters!


Nothing will happen, this is just political theater. Move along. Brown v EMA for life.



cant wait to play this on xbox one x!!

This is good news. Firstly, bc im glad theyre still making another Dead Rising(the franchise should def continue), and also good bc DR neeeeeeeeeeds to have its scope cut a bit. I’d love a DR game with a map size of about the 1st game. Im hoping capcom does with ‘dead rising 5' what they did with RE7 in terms of

Good shit.

sounds like sony to me

Way to be all negative about it,geez. but great news anyway, I think MS has a lot of games in the works that we dont know about currently. 2018 is gonna be good

A pro-xbox kotaku article? wow nice. I bet if ps4 had BC most people in these comments would say it was a great feature instead of downplaying it.

MS crushed sony on back compat this gen.

glad im on xbox